Testing Openshift on my Laptop with Fedora Workstation 42


I have recently read about Openshift on official Redhat docs and other tutorial sources. I want to try it on my Fedora Workstation 42 and move forward on deploying it on enterprise-grade infrastructures.
I have followed an old Fedora Magazine blog on trying Openshift locally on a single node and came up with a tool called minishift, it’s an old package and is not maintained anymore; but, I still tried configuring it, but there is a certificate issue when I tried starting minishift with minishift start.

I have read about a tool called CodeReady Containers (CRC) which supports the recent versions of Openshift, but it doesn’t have the full features of Openshift, therefore you can not get the same thing on CRC and Openshift.

Can someone please suggest me how do I run Openshift on my Laptop?

Does this help?

I got that by searching for openshift on fedora linux

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Thanks. As I have mentioned, that’s is a tool called CodeReady Containers (CRC); it is somehow misses some features of the Openshift, but I will try it.