System update is adding virtualbox guest additions?

Today I ran sudo dnf update on a rather new Fedora install and noticed that it was trying to install virtualbox-guest-additions, even though I don’t even have virtualbox installed. The only thing I have installed that is related to virtualization is virt-manager. And the rest of the packages pending update are system packages like kernel, pipewire, git, etc. So I have no idea what is pulling in virtualbox-guest-additions. Here’s the full list of packages pending install:

 Package                                Arch   Version           Repo      Size
 kernel                                 x86_64 6.2.13-200.fc37   updates  129 k
 kernel-modules                         x86_64 6.2.13-200.fc37   updates   55 M
 kernel-modules-extra                   x86_64 6.2.13-200.fc37   updates  2.7 M
 NetworkManager                         x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates  2.1 M
 NetworkManager-adsl                    x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates   26 k
 NetworkManager-bluetooth               x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates   52 k
                                        noarch 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates   12 k
 NetworkManager-libnm                   x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates  1.7 M
 NetworkManager-ppp                     x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates   35 k
 NetworkManager-team                    x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates   31 k
 NetworkManager-wifi                    x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates  127 k
 NetworkManager-wwan                    x86_64 1:1.40.18-1.fc37  updates   59 k
 binutils                               x86_64 2.38-26.fc37      updates  5.4 M
 binutils-gold                          x86_64 2.38-26.fc37      updates  773 k
 git                                    x86_64 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates   54 k
 git-core                               x86_64 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates  4.3 M
 git-core-doc                           noarch 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates  2.8 M
 javascriptcoregtk4.1                   x86_64 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates  7.0 M
 javascriptcoregtk6.0                   x86_64 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates  7.0 M
 kf5-filesystem                         x86_64 5.105.0-1.fc37    updates   11 k
 libnfsidmap                            x86_64 1:2.6.3-0.fc37    updates   61 k
 libtirpc                               x86_64 1.3.3-1.rc1.fc37  updates   93 k
 mesa-dri-drivers                       x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates   18 M
 mesa-filesystem                        x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates   18 k
 mesa-libEGL                            x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates  131 k
 mesa-libGL                             x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates  174 k
 mesa-libgbm                            x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates   44 k
 mesa-libglapi                          x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates   56 k
 mesa-libxatracker                      x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates  2.1 M
 mesa-va-drivers                        x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates  3.4 M
 mesa-vulkan-drivers                    x86_64 23.0.3-1.fc37     updates  9.1 M
 mtr                                    x86_64 2:0.95-5.fc37     updates   88 k
 nfs-utils                              x86_64 1:2.6.3-0.fc37    updates  457 k
 perl-Git                               noarch 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates   42 k
 pipewire                               x86_64 0.3.70-1.fc37     updates  103 k
 pipewire-alsa                          x86_64 0.3.70-1.fc37     updates   64 k
 pipewire-gstreamer                     x86_64 0.3.70-1.fc37     updates   59 k
 pipewire-jack-audio-connection-kit     x86_64 0.3.70-1.fc37     updates  136 k
 pipewire-libs                          x86_64 0.3.70-1.fc37     updates  1.9 M
 pipewire-pulseaudio                    x86_64 0.3.70-1.fc37     updates   22 k
 pipewire-utils                         x86_64 0.3.70-1.fc37     updates  345 k
 python-setuptools-wheel                noarch 62.6.0-3.fc37     updates  711 k
 python3-rpm                            x86_64 4.18.1-2.fc37     updates   92 k
 python3-setuptools                     noarch 62.6.0-3.fc37     updates  1.6 M
 rpm                                    x86_64 4.18.1-2.fc37     updates  570 k
 rpm-build-libs                         x86_64 4.18.1-2.fc37     updates   92 k
 rpm-libs                               x86_64 4.18.1-2.fc37     updates  318 k
 rpm-plugin-selinux                     x86_64 4.18.1-2.fc37     updates   18 k
 rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit             x86_64 4.18.1-2.fc37     updates   18 k
 rpm-sign-libs                          x86_64 4.18.1-2.fc37     updates   25 k
 tzdata                                 noarch 2023c-1.fc37      updates  718 k
 tzdata-java                            noarch 2023c-1.fc37      updates  208 k
 vim-data                               noarch 2:9.0.1486-1.fc37 updates   23 k
 vim-minimal                            x86_64 2:9.0.1486-1.fc37 updates  788 k
 virtualbox-guest-additions             x86_64 7.0.8-1.fc37      updates  613 k
 webkit2gtk4.1                          x86_64 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates   20 M
 webkitgtk6.0                           x86_64 2.40.1-1.fc37     updates   20 M
Installing dependencies:
 kernel-core                            x86_64 6.2.13-200.fc37   updates   15 M
 kernel-modules-core                    x86_64 6.2.13-200.fc37   updates   30 M
 kernel                                 x86_64 6.2.9-200.fc37    @updates   0  
 kernel-core                            x86_64 6.2.9-200.fc37    @updates  64 M
 kernel-modules                         x86_64 6.2.9-200.fc37    @updates  61 M
 kernel-modules-core                    x86_64 6.2.9-200.fc37    @updates  36 M
 kernel-modules-extra                   x86_64 6.2.9-200.fc37    @updates 3.4 M

It’s upgrading virtualbox-guest-additions, not installing it.

The package is part of the Guest Desktop Agents group, which is included in Workstation by default.

You can remove the package or the entire group if you don’t use it:

dnf group remove guest-desktop-agents

You can also check the transaction history to find out when any package was installed or modified:

dnf history list virtualbox-guest-additions
dnf history info <transaction id>

It’s upgrading virtualbox-guest-additions , not installing it.

Can’t believe I missed that. My fault for scrolling too fast in the terminal. Thanks for the tips. Especially the one about transaction history.

I also have it without really using it but i was reading in the info of the package:

Aditional note:
this package can be installed on an non-guest system, because it is
harmless and services would not run anyway.

So if you really want/need to save 2.7 M you can remove it.