Stupid question about kinoite shell

it is starting to bother me to see path each time i open terminal phatle@Kinoite:/var/home/phatle$ my brain is not working now days and just want to have normal path shown on terminal when i open since path is still same just no need to show it

it takes only colors off no color highlights anymore

Something like this

$ echo $PS1
\[\033[01;32m\][\u@\h\[\033[01;33m\] \W\[\033[01;32m\]] $\[\033[00m\]

which provides [username@host <dirname>] $ as the prompt. ~ when in the home directory and only the current dirname in any other directory without the full path.

A quick search for setting ps1 in bash gives a lot of links on how-to and what each factor used there does for you.

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