Gnome terminal under fedora 41 workstation

this is my default gnome terminal
[not ptyxis]
under fedora 41 workstation

it says


is this correct?
I remember that in fedora 40 workstation
it wrote something different

What echo $PS1 says?

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Added f41

Here is list of interesting articles about different shells you can use in your Fedora terminal

Here is an example of a tweaked PS1 variable: Fedora 39 bash prompt now displays exit codes - #5 by computersavvy

@augenauf the point is that by default, the prompt that @ninos have got in such window shouldn’t be like that.
The default one is username@hostname:~$

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But why is it like this?

How can I correct it?

I am aware of that, I just wanted to throw in some links to make even more out of the terminal.

that is…

  • \u – Username
  • \h – Hostname
  • \W – basename of $PWD, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde.

see Bash Reference Manual for all options and tweak.

your PS1 (“primary prompt string”) seems to be reset to : \s-\v\$ (that’s bash’s default).

what’s the output of the command @alciregi posted?

to change it to what you want, you want to do: export PS1="\u@\h: \W$ "

to make this permanent, do

echo 'export PS1="\u@\h: \W$ "' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
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echo $PS1


bash-5.2$ echo ‘export PS1="\u@\h: \W$ "’ >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
emmanuelninos@fedora: ~$

ok this is what I wanted!

the same [emmanuelninos@fedora: ~$ ]
appears now
both on my default gnome terminal
on the ptyxis terminal
(which I installed from flathub)

when I turned on my laptop to do the Tuesday update,
bash-5.2$ appeared again in the default terminal

I repeated your advice:

bash-5.2$ export PS1=“\u@\h: \W$ "
emmanuelninos@fedora: ~$ echo 'export PS1=”\u@\h: \W$ "’ >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
emmanuelninos@fedora: ~$

but how can I make the change permanent?

GNOME Terminal works fine by default.
Your configs must be broken, that’s why it fails.
Here’s a way to restore the defaults:

dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/
cp -f -a /etc/skel/. ~
. .bash_profile