Skype repo URL error

There is an error reaching the URL for the skype repo. This is resulting in a long delay when dnf updates repo metadata until it times out:

Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'skype-stable':
  - Curl error (28): Timeout was reached for 
[Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds]
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'skype-stable': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried

Is this repo dead, or is it a temporary Microsoft/Skype server issue?

It looks like that it is not temporary.

Download Skype for Desktop | Available for Windows, Mac and Linux

  • For Linux just schows a snap version … nothing else.

Test if the flatpak version still works. Which desktop are you using?

I did notice this, unfortunately. Strange to kill a repo unannounced though, isn’t it? Or was there a notice somewhere?

The fedora docs still reference the repo: Installing Skype on Fedora :: Fedora Docs

I use MATE, but not really into flatpaks…

EDIT: For testing, can confirm the flatpak works (runs as superuser!?!), though it required downloading an absurd >2GB of dependencies.

It is ugly, I know. The 2GB is the environment for gnome 4x I guess. Unfortunately the trend is going in the direction of snaps/flatpak.

Alternative would be

Version F38 Last review: 2023-07-06 is the date of the Doc.
I found this but this is version You can try if you still can work with it or eventually update.

If yes please give feedback so that we can update the manual.

The download link still works for now but I already have the more recent v8.109.0.209 RPM installed, and I don’t want to overwrite it in case I can’t get it back.

However, logging in to Skype (haven’t done that in years) shows a message that it is “outdated” and being phased out for the SNAP.

This post by a Microsoft employee confirms it:

we have decided to discontinue the distribution of Skype as DEB and RPM packages for Linux users, and instead focus on delivering Skype as a SNAP package.

So, the main thing to do is remove the Skype repo.

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Ran into this issue today too. Kind of a bummer, as I’m also not a huge fan of flatpaks (even less so, snaps). I guess just another “browser only” service for now.

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Having the skype-stable.repo active is quite nasty and makes dnf very slooow.
To remove it use:

rm /etc/yum.repos.d/skype-stable.repo
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Or dnf config-manager --set-disabled skype-stable

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Yes I know. Orphaned repos I prefer to delete.
I had the Issue as you mentioned, searching and falling in a time out.

If this gets activated by coincidence again the system is very slow.

Added eol