Silverblue/Kinoite F39 updates-archive repo error

I’m getting the following error which is preventing an upgrade from F38 to F39 on one machine, and rpm-ostree upgrade on a machine that already is running F39. Seems there is an error with the updates-archive repo. Unsure if this is some sort of delayed caching or something that’s taking a while to update and should resolve itself eventually, or something is borked.

$ rpm-ostree cleanup -mp
Deployments unchanged.
$ rpm-ostree upgrade    
note: automatic updates (stage) are enabled
2 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 788 B transferred in 1 seconds; 0 bytes content written
Checking out tree 33546bf... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora-cisco-openh264 updates fedora updates-archive
Updating metadata for 'fedora-cisco-openh264'... done
Updating metadata for 'updates'... done
Updating metadata for 'fedora'... done
Updating metadata for 'updates-archive'... done
error: Updating rpm-md repo 'updates-archive': cannot update repo 'updates-archive': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/2e7db4492173b6c437fd1299dc335e63d09f24cbdadeac5175a61b787c2f7a44-filelists.xml.zck - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success; Last error: Status code: 403 for (IP:

Edit 1:
Tested on a fresh Silverblue 39 VM, and the issue is preventing installation of software using rpm-ostree.

Edit 2: Filed bug report on Silverblue issue tracker

Thanks for filing the bug. Hopefully it’ll be cleared up soon.

Now it’s offering for me to restart and upgrade – so maybe it’s fixed.

Seems to have been a temporary issue. It’s working for me now as well.

I am now in F39 Silverblue

Just as an update - it appears to still be an intermittent ongoing issue, based on the IRC channel feedback.

Update - It appears to now be fixed!