I wonder if there is a way that in Fedora Silverblue the updates would be automatically downloaded (without the need to click ‘‘download updates’’ in gnome software)?
Then when shutting down and on again the machine, next boot brings all updates…
According to Updates, Upgrades & Rollbacks :: Fedora Docs
OS updates in Silverblue are fully integrated into the desktop; you will be automatically notified when an update is available. The standard behavior is to automatically download the update (this can be changed from the update preferences in Software).
Once an update is ready, it is just a matter of rebooting to start using the new version. There is no waiting for the update to be installed during this reboot.
Yes sure gnome software is ‘‘notifing’’ that updates are available.
But i wonder if gnome software could by itself without asking download each update in the background, so that without any user interaction a reboot brings into the new image each time.
Is there a way i could enable that specific behaviour???
@yusssufff At the moment you can’t because Discover and GNOME Software also does not support rpm-ostree so from software center, you can make updates of Flatpaks and dependencies etc.
For non silver blue for fedora workstation server you can set it up like that.
As far as i know automatic update can be enabled
# dnf install dnf-automatic
Next up is configuring the dnf-automatic updates. The configuration file is located at /etc/dnf/automatic.conf . Once you have opened the file, you can to set the required values to fit your software requirements.
Set upgrade type default or security
# systemctl enable --now dnf-automatic.timer
man rpm-ostreed.conf will give you info on how to edit /etc/rpm-ostreed.conf to do auto- updates.
This thread is so outdated… there are two seperate ways, I dont know which works better.
this is from 3rd -party we as fedora core or redhat team does not have any control over that so using 3rd party stuff have to be done with own responsibility.
and if you need any help using that script you have to ask that person over mail or github whatever
This was not a question about these but an answer, as Silverblue or Kionite still has no autoupdate feature afaik, which is pretty bad because rpm-ostree is extremely slow (and traffic intensive of course)
Not sure what you mean, but the method which modifies /etc/rpm-ostreed.conf with the AutomaticUpdatePolicy=stage setting will set up your system to autoupdate. This is built-in to Silverblue and Kinoite. Of course, being based on ostree, you still need a reboot to root into the updated deployment.
I have it set, and basically it will always boot to the latest deployment when I turn on my computer in the morning.
This is a nice solution! So you can just add:
sudo sed -i 's/none/stage/g' /etc/rpm-ostreed.conf #set to install if set to none
sudo sed -i 's/check/stage/g' /etc/rpm-ostreed.conf #set to install if set to none
to your install script and thats it. Just a way to Gui-fy would be nice, I will ask the KDE team to integrate that as a switch, but they dont even support RPM-Ostree at all and Flatpak is kinda buggy, so maybe not that soon.
This is coming soon: