Shim SBAT issues

With secure boot enabled, and I recently started having shim sbat issues when I try and boot off a flash drive.
I fixed one flash drive by copying new updated versions of mmx64.efi and BOOTX64.EFI to the /EFI/BOOT drive on the flash drive.
I don’t want to be going through all my flash drives and ISOs and doing that though.

These are the revocations:

mokutil --list-sbat-revocations

I also tried to run…

sudo mokutil --set-sbat-policy delete

that didn’t help either.

How do I allow these drives to boot again?

For fedora media those issue were fixed 2 years or so ago.
Are your bootable usb older than that?
Other distros did not fix grub which is why non-fedora distros may see boot issues.

No they are not, my clonezilla ISO was from FEB this year, and Ventoy was also from spring this year.

You would need track down where the problem efi files come from.
For example does Ventoy have its own efi files?

It’s not from Fedora is my understanding.

Added secure-boot, uefi