Selinux podman fedora server 40


I have issue with setting selinux on my podman containers.
I have to run selinux in permissive mode, otherwise it block every container in system.

I asked at first guys from podman, but they doesn’t seem to know the issue.

Everything I tried until now is there. Can you help me?

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Hello @podhorsky ,
Have you installed the container-selinux package as noted in the responses from the issue you posted above?

Yes, I even reinstall it. Nothing changed. I think it is maybe some dependency, because I didn’t install it manually, it was installed by itself.
Also I checked available se packages, if there is need some extra. But nothing.

And I also tried restorecon for all disk. Nothing. modules file generated from udica doesn’t seem to be working. it is the same with them and without them.

Also I found that restart of container stops the audit logs of selinux. But reboot, or semodule -DB/B will start them again. Sorry, I’m now trying everything, but nothing.

Solution was found in github.

Added podman

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