Hi all, first time poster here.
I’m currently running Fedora 40 (KDE Spin) and am trying to upgrade to 41 using the dnf system plugin. This has worked for me without issue (for the most part) for several years now but this time around I’m running into a blocking issue.
When I attempt to do the package download:
**# sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=41**
I wind up with the following error:
Problem: problem with installed package sddm-wayland-plasma-6.2.3-1.fc40.noarch
- package sddm-wayland-plasma- from fedora conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora
- package sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-wayland-plasma- from fedora
- package sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-wayland-plasma-6.2.3-1.fc41.noarch from updates
- package sddm-wayland-plasma-6.2.3-1.fc41.noarch from updates conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora
- sddm-wayland-plasma-6.2.3-1.fc40.noarch from @System does not belong to a distupgrade repository
- conflicting requests
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
I’ve tried adding the --allowerasing and --best switches but that didn’t help. I also tried removing sddm completely (replacing it with lightdm for the moment). Same result so I ended up reinstalling sddm. It appears to be a conflict within the Fedora 41 repo(s) so removing probably wouldn’t make a difference.
I made sure to run:
# sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
Does anyone know why this would be happening and if there is any way around it?
I’ve searched online and found one reference to this error but no clear solution to make it work.
It’s strange the that error message refers both to package sddm-wayland-plasma- from fedora as well as to the same upgraded package sddm-wayland-plasma-6.2.3-1.fc41.noarch from updates.
Thanks all for the responses!
Just a quick note that I’ll be following up on these suggestions when I get home later this afternoon. @barryascott Regarding the whether there is another edition/spin, what I can say is that it is the KDE Spin, but I do additionally have a couple other environments/WMs installed that are rarely used (Gnome and LXQT).
I mention that because while I don’t think that changes the Edition of the actual distro, I’m not sure. I suspect others here have a better handle on that than I do.
I hit what looks like the same thing upgrading from FC39 to FC41, with slightly different error output and then using --allowerasing works without any issues.
My error output:
Problem: conflicting requests
- package sddm-wayland-plasma- from fedora conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora
- package sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-wayland-plasma- from fedora
- package sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-wayland-plasma-6.2.4-1.fc41.noarch from updates
- package sddm-wayland-plasma-6.2.4-1.fc41.noarch from updates conflicts with sddm-greeter-displayserver provided by sddm-x11-0.21.0-6.fc41.noarch from fedora
- problem with installed package sddm-x11-0.20.0-4.fc39.noarch
- sddm-x11-0.20.0-4.fc39.noarch from @System does not belong to a distupgrade repository
Will using --allowerasing cause issues?
With that option, it’s removing sddm-x11, and installing several sddm packages, but I don’t know what if anything might be missing.
This is mainly a server I sometimes use for video playback, so I can always fix login / window manger issues later.
I went ahead and upgraded after using --allowerasing and most things are working fine - trying to figure out why full screen video / mythtv frontend behaves as if there’s a virtual monitor 1/4 the size of my TV, might be scaling in KDE / wayland.
Hi Mike, the repolist is below. Note, I did try removing all the non-Fedora repos (I moved them to /etc/yum.repos.d/notused/) but that didn’t change the result so I moved them back:
repo id repo name
Dropbox Dropbox Repository
brave-browser-rpm-release.s3.brave.com_x86_64_ created by dnf config-manager from https://brave-browser-rpm-release.s3.brave.com/x86_64/
docker-ce-stable Docker CE Stable - x86_64
fedora Fedora 40 - x86_64
fedora-cisco-openh264 Fedora 40 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
jenkins Jenkins-stable
rpmfusion-free RPM Fusion for Fedora 40 - Free
rpmfusion-free-updates RPM Fusion for Fedora 40 - Free - Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree RPM Fusion for Fedora 40 - Nonfree
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates RPM Fusion for Fedora 40 - Nonfree - Updates
teams teams
updates Fedora 40 - x86_64 - Updates
vivaldi vivaldi
Was just able to do the reinstall and that went ok.
I’m doing the dnf upgrade --refresh again now and will be rebooting.
I’ll retry the download after rebooting and see if that gets me anywhere.
OK I got past this. It was bit of a hack, but I removed the KDE group. After I did that I also had to remove a couple SDDM packages. Just removing KDE or SDDM didn’t work, I had to remove both.
I’m running on LXQT at the moment which is fine. I’m sure I’ll probably reinstall KDE soon enough but I’ll run on this for now and see what else I can clean up.
I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the groups having both ID and Name properties. I found that the id kde-desktop has the Name KDE:
dnf group list *kde*
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
ID Name Installed
critical-path-kde Critical Path (KDE) no
kde-apps KDE Applications yes
kde-desktop KDE no
kde-education KDE Educational applications no
kde-media KDE Multimedia support yes
kde-mobile KDE Mobile no
kde-mobile-apps KDE Mobile Apps no
kde-office KDE Office yes
kde-pim KDE PIM no
kde-software-development KDE Software Development no
kde-spin-initial-setup KDE Spin Initial Setup no
kf6-software-development KDE Frameworks 6 Software Development no
Even if that is the case (and I don’t know that it is) it still doesn’t answer why my ‘dnf groupremove kde’ worked since I entered a lowercase ‘kde’. I suspect if I can use the name, it is case sensitive.