Rip audio cd with abcde

Hello, i want to rip a cd with abcde but i am unable to

i do type abcde or abcde with whatever option, it prompt me with a list of the records found, but instead of asking me which one i wanna select it just stop here with an “end” message at the end

i was already able to use abcde in fedora 39 but i can’t in 40

any suggestion?

for the reference abcde has been taken from fedora’s repos…

edit: tried another record and it was working, so maybe it was just that particular record

need to do further tests anyway…

ok seems like i found the solution, had to dig a little with commands

seems like pressing the letter q will help you go ahead

or execute abcde with the -N option so the program will do everything automatically and rip the disc straight ahead

Please describe the actual solution so others may learn from your experience.

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