Repo issues after fedora 41 update (upgrade)

Virtualbox repo is not working. It is not clear if protonvpn repo is working or not. After the upgrade it deleted protonvpn and its dependencies and protonvpn related packages and protonvpn related python packages. it also deleted megasync package. it also deleted obs-cef. it did not reinstall it. virtualbox repo is not working anymore.

macellan@fedora:~$ sudo dnf check-update && sudo dnf upgrade
Updating and loading repositories:
 MEGAsync                               ???% |   0.0   B/s |   0.0   B |  00m02s
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Librepo error: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.x
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - VirtualBox        100% |  11.7 KiB/s |  27.6 KiB |  00m02s
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Librepo error: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.x
Repositories loaded.
macellan@fedora:~$ wget "$(cat /etc/fedora-release | cut -d' ' -f 3)-stable/protonvpn-stable-release/protonvpn-stable-release-1.0.1-2.noarch.rpm"
protonvpn-stable-rel 100% [=============================>]    7.09K    --.-KB/s
                          [Files: 1  Bytes: 7.09K [11.92K]
macellan@fedora:~$ sudo dnf install ./protonvpn-stable-release-1.0.1-2.noarch.rpm
[sudo] password for macellan: 
Updating and loading repositories:
 Fedora 41 - x86_64                     100% |   4.2 MiB/s |  35.4 MiB |  00m08s
 RPM Fusion for Fedora 41 - Free        100% |  70.9 KiB/s | 156.3 KiB |  00m02s
 Copr repo for ddcutil owned by rockowi 100% |   3.6 KiB/s |   4.5 KiB |  00m01s
 Brave Browser                          100% |  35.0 KiB/s |  47.4 KiB |  00m01s
 RPM Fusion for Fedora 41 - Free - Upda 100% |   7.7 KiB/s |  14.1 KiB |  00m02s
 RPM Fusion for Fedora 41 - Nonfree - U 100% |  10.6 KiB/s |  12.1 KiB |  00m01s
 RPM Fusion for Fedora 41 - Nonfree - S 100% |   9.9 KiB/s |  12.6 KiB |  00m01s
 ProtonVPN Fedora Stable repository     100% |   3.7 KiB/s |   3.7 KiB |  00m01s
>>> Librepo error: repomd.xml GPG signature verification error: Signing key not 
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Updates           100% | 839.6 KiB/s |   2.1 MiB |  00m03s
 MEGAsync                               ???% |   0.0   B/s |   0.0   B |  00m02s
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Librepo error: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.x
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - VirtualBox        100% |   9.8 KiB/s |  27.6 KiB |  00m03s
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Status code: 404 for
>>> Librepo error: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.x
 RPM Fusion for Fedora 41 - Nonfree     100% |  37.7 KiB/s |  84.9 KiB |  00m02s
 RPM Fusion for Fedora 41 - Nonfree - N 100% |  13.3 KiB/s |  16.6 KiB |  00m01s
 Fedora 41 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_ 100% |   2.7 KiB/s |   6.0 KiB |  00m02s 100% |  10.5 KiB/s |   4.7 KiB |  00m00sImporting PGP key 0x19940E11:
 UserID     : "Proton Technologies AG <>"
 Fingerprint: A88441BD4864F95BEE08E63A71EB474019940E11
 From       :
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Anahtar başarıyla içe aktarıldı.
Importing PGP key 0xF43719CA:
 UserID     : "Proton Technologies AG <>"
 Fingerprint: 9E72DFDF2AF019F0CCFC68F38DD48989F43719CA
 From       :
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Anahtar başarıyla içe aktarıldı.

 ProtonVPN Fedora Stable repository     100% |   4.6 KiB/s |   6.4 KiB |  00m01s
Repositories loaded.
Package "protonvpn-stable-release-1.0.1-2.noarch" is already installed.

Nothing to do.

The source of the problem is that fedora40 deleted the repo URLs linked to the repo directory, removed the repo. Then fedora41 added a repo URL linked to the repo directory and created a new repo. But there is no such repo. There is no Fedor 41 Virtualbox repo. There is no fedora 41 repo for megasync. there is no protonvpn fedora 41 repo. All of a sudden he deleted working applications and working repos. He added repos that don’t exist. So I removed two of these repos, added protonvpn fedora repo, added megasync fedora 40 repo. installed megasync and protonvpn, works. Virtualbox oracle repo changed but it didn’t delete Virtualbox in the upgrade process. it deleted protonvpn and megasync. Now oracle virtualbox is running, but not getting updates. The fedora 40 repo for Virtualbox is also not attached, it cannot be added.

Sadly, that is the typical experience with third party “vendors” who are not prepared in time for Fedora releases. You’re on your own overriding the release version in their repo files. And no, a Fedora upgrade never removed a repo file for me. dnf “disabled” (did not load metadata from) repositories which do not offer a repo for the requested version, because - obviously - dnf cannot use nonexisting data.


You are writing something. You block me to take away my right to reply. This is against your constitution and the EU Declaration of Human Rights, you are committing a constitutional crime by taking away my freedom of expression. I have reported the matter to the Lawyers in the Legal Department of the Software Development Community, of which I am the Administrator. If you do not unblock me within 1 day, appropriate action will be taken.

Answer to what you have written below:
It was the correct rpm fusion repo. So why did virtualbox replace it with its own repo with another URL? There is not even such a repo.
I don’t use virt-manager. I have created many operating system specific script files to run qemu directly from the terminal. I have created shortcuts to run the script files with .desktop files with a double click. I use qemu directly. But to run whonix I need to run the .ova file. For this I need virtualbox. If I can run the .ova file with qemu, I want to delete virtualbox. Is it possible to run it with qemu?

No, impossible due to licensing.

there is three common ways Virtualbox can come to your machine:

1.) rpmfusion repo: Howto/VirtualBox - RPM Fusion
2.) oracle’s virtualbox repo (usually lagging weeks or months behind):
3.) rpm file using dnf install or rpm -i:

You may have a smoother experience using GNU Linux native virtualization (KVM/qemu), e.g. by using virt-manager.

NB: you should have a look at how a .repo file looks like in order to understand how the target URL is created - it uses a variable $releasever, which in case of upgrade automatically changes from 40 to 41. So if your third-party vendors don’t offer a package for releasever=41 you end up with a 404 error. You should ask them to supply f41 packages. Obviously nothing the Fedora community can do about.

It is pretty clear that it comes from a separate repository, isn’t it?

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I already gave the answer myself. Don’t write without reading carefully. Also, your URL is not valid. There is no such URL. 404 error. Read this too.

Closing… no question asked by OP.