Hello everyone, I’ve been experiencing some problems with ffmpeg, with both packages from the updates and rpmfusion-free repos, yielding the same error:
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libjack.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, sometimes the same error with other libraries.
Another ffmpeg user has been experiencing the same problems and temporarily solved the problem by uninstalling everything while in root, but I figured it would be a good idea to address it here as well.
Sorry, I just mentioned the other user’s error as an example, my error was about libavdevice.so.60, which is provided by libavdevice, which I already have installed, but still outputs the same error. There were a few more libraries mentioned, like (I believe) libglut, but nevertheless, ffmpeg used to work as intended until recently.
You should provide the steps to reproduce the issue and the installed package version.
It seems to work for me, so it currently looks like a problem with your setup.
Yes, it might be a problem with my setup, because I tried typing ffmpeg on another computer running a super minimal Fedora 40 install and it launched successfully.
This problem (probably) begun when I tried installing ffmpeg from the RPM Fusion Free repo, meaning that I first had to remove the ffmpeg-free package that comes with Fedora 40. After doing so, I get the error posted above upon typing ffmpegin the Terminal, with the error mentioning libavdevice.so.60 instead.
After removing RPM Fusion’s ffmpeg, all its dependencies and doing a sudo dnf autoremove, I disabled the repo and reinstalled ffmpeg-free and this time getting the following error:
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libglut.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It’s running now, thank you! A few things I don’t understand:
shouldn’t these dependencies be part of ffmpeg-free?
how would I know what library contains libglut.so.3? (I’m guessing doing sudo dnf whatprovides libglut.so.3?)
in case of the Reddit user’s problem posted above, he was missing multiple dependencies. It could have been due to malconfiguration on my part by uninstalling and reinstalling a lot of things prior to the problem, but the Reddit user seems to have just gotten this error as is.