Rebase to Fedora 41 kinoite gives error

Rebased to Fedora 41 kinoite to test from Fedora 40 kinoite.
After login there’s 5,6 notification pop up giving errer

Broadcast message from systemd-journald@fedora (Wed 2024-09-18 00:31:45 +06):
sssd_kcm[3237]: Could not open file [/var/log/sssd/sssd_kcm.log]. Error: [13][Permission denied] 


Any solution? rollback to Fedora 40 works and gives no error.


Added sssd

File a bug I guess, this forum here doesnt reach everyone

What is the output of ls -Zd /var/log/sssd/?

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There’s no oitput

Do you mean there’s nothing that gets returned? Not even an error message, e.g. “No such file or directory”?

This is likely 2308428 – During upgrade of rpm-ostree based Fedora, sssd-2.10+ doesn't chown KCM/secrets.ldb to proper user. You can wait for the fix or workaround it with a few chmod/chown calls.

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Thanks for the link. I solved it. Now no error.

sudo chown sssd:sssd /var/log/sssd/sssd_kcm.log
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