Random freeze

Today I had another one after trying the following.

19:45:58 systemd: Failed to start org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.service - GNOME XSettings service.
19:42:57 systemd-coredum: Process 8556 (threema-web) of user 1000 dumped core.

Stack trace of thread 3:
#0  0x00005619eecce67e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x244667e)
#1  0x00005619eecc7e39 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x243fe39)
#2  0x00005619eee62499 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x25da499)
#3  0x00005619eee9de3e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2615e3e)
#4  0x00005619eedb964e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253164e)
#5  0x00005619eedb970e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253170e)
#6  0x00005619f15a7f53 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1ff53)
#7  0x00005619f15a80be n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d200be)
#8  0x00005619f15ac54e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d2454e)
#9  0x00005619f15ac088 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d24088)
#10 0x00005619f15a7b5e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1fb5e)
#11 0x00005619eeff67e4 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276e7e4)
#12 0x00005619eeff7fde n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276ffde)
#13 0x00005619eeff7df6 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276fdf6)
#14 0x00005619eeff57bb n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d7bb)
#15 0x00005619eeff58c0 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d8c0)
#16 0x00005619eecdb928 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2453928)
#17 0x00007f373b8c2299 n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae299)
#18 0x00007f37399c0188 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a188)
#19 0x00007f37399c024b n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a24b)
#20 0x00007f373b8c252b n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae52b)
#21 0x00005619ee8d002a n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x204802a)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

19:42:56 systemd: Failed to start org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.service - GNOME XSettings service.
19:42:36 systemd-coredum: Process 8381 (threema-web) of user 1000 dumped core.

Stack trace of thread 3:
#0  0x000055888e8ce67e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x244667e)
#1  0x000055888e8c7e39 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x243fe39)
#2  0x000055888ea62499 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x25da499)
#3  0x000055888ea9de3e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2615e3e)
#4  0x000055888e9b964e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253164e)
#5  0x000055888e9b970e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253170e)
#6  0x00005588911a7f53 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1ff53)
#7  0x00005588911a80be n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d200be)
#8  0x00005588911ac54e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d2454e)
#9  0x00005588911ac088 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d24088)
#10 0x00005588911a7b5e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1fb5e)
#11 0x000055888ebf67e4 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276e7e4)
#12 0x000055888ebf7fde n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276ffde)
#13 0x000055888ebf7df6 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276fdf6)
#14 0x000055888ebf57bb n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d7bb)
#15 0x000055888ebf58c0 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d8c0)
#16 0x000055888e8db928 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2453928)
#17 0x00007faf11776299 n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae299)
#18 0x00007faf0f872188 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a188)
#19 0x00007faf0f87224b n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a24b)
#20 0x00007faf1177652b n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae52b)
#21 0x000055888e4d002a n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x204802a)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

19:41:08 systemd: Failed to start grub-boot-success.service - Mark boot as successful.
19:39:11 kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: Failed to set workload mask 0x00000001
19:39:11 kernel: [drm:vcn_v4_0_stop [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Dpm disable uvd failed, ret = -121. 
19:39:11 kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: Failed to power gate VCN!
19:39:11 kernel: [drm:amdgpu_device_ip_set_powergating_state [amdgpu]] *ERROR* set_powergating_state of IP block <jpeg_v4_0> failed -110
19:39:11 kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: [drm:jpeg_v4_0_set_powergating_state [amdgpu]] *ERROR* amdgpu: JPEG enable power gating failed
19:38:58 systemd-logind: Failed to open '/boot//loader/entries': Remote address changed
19:38:48 systemd-tmpfile: "/root" already exists and is not a directory.
19:38:47 kernel: cros-usbpd-charger cros-usbpd-charger.6.auto: probe with driver cros-usbpd-charger failed with error -71
19:38:32 kernel: ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: GET_CABLE_PROPERTY failed (-5)