Random freeze


I am experiencing random freezes on my Fedora41+GNOME.
Today I was watching a video on YouTube and at some point I clicked mute sound on the video to take a phone call.

When I returned and clicked to unmute, youtube wouldn’t load and all of a sudden the desktop froze so I did a hard reboot.

This is from my logs:

Mar 20 14:45:58 bobdenaut gnome-shell[3672]: Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 39 with keysym 39 (keycode 12).
Mar 20 14:57:50 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[5080]: [Child 5080, BackgroundThreadPool #2] WARNING: 7fb414310ee0 OpenCubeb() failed to init cubeb: file /root/.local/share/bsys6/work/librewolf-136.0.2-1/dom/media/AudioStream.cpp:285
Mar 20 14:57:50 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[5080]: [Child 5080, MediaDecoderStateMachine #1] WARNING: Decoder=7fb413e9f900 [OnMediaSinkAudioError]: file /root/.local/share/bsys6/work/librewolf-136.0.2-1/dom/media/MediaDecoderStateMachine.cpp:4634
Mar 20 14:58:20 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[5080]: [Child 5080, BackgroundThreadPool #2] WARNING: 7fb414310ee0 OpenCubeb() failed to init cubeb: file /root/.local/share/bsys6/work/librewolf-136.0.2-1/dom/media/AudioStream.cpp:285
Mar 20 14:58:50 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[5080]: [Child 5080, MediaDecoderStateMachine #1] WARNING: 7fb4172ae820 OpenCubeb() failed to init cubeb: file /root/.local/share/bsys6/work/librewolf-136.0.2-1/dom/media/AudioStream.cpp:285
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[5021]: Exiting due to channel error.
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[5233]: Exiting due to channel error.
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[14369]: Exiting due to channel error.
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[4855]: Exiting due to channel error.
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[12296]: Exiting due to channel error.
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[12299]: Exiting due to channel error.
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut librewolf.desktop[4913]: Exiting due to channel error.
Mar 20 14:59:03 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: app-gnome-librewolf-4746.scope: Consumed 2min 50.339s CPU time, 1.8G memory peak.
Mar 20 14:59:19 bobdenaut org.mozilla.firefox.desktop[14435]: restorecon: SELinux: Could not get canonical path for /home/liviu/.mozilla/firefox/*/gmp-widevinecdm/* restorecon: No such file or directory.
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut gnome-text-edit[14533]: g_markup_escape_text: assertion 'text != NULL' failed
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: Reached target gnome-session-x11-services.target - GNOME session X11 services.
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: Starting org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.service - GNOME XSettings service...
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut gnome-shell[14557]: The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut gnome-shell[14557]: > Warning:          Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut gnome-shell[14557]: >                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut gnome-shell[14557]: > Warning:          Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistPrevgrou
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut gnome-shell[14557]: > Warning:          Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistNextgrou
Mar 20 14:59:49 bobdenaut gnome-shell[14557]: Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
Mar 20 14:59:51 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: vte-spawn-b2efda86-a2c1-46cc-ae2b-f2ab8b7fae5f.scope: Consumed 15.893s CPU time, 19.1M memory peak.
Mar 20 14:59:54 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: vte-spawn-6b52db66-9dff-4f2c-8e98-1231a5543dd3.scope: Consumed 43.722s CPU time, 15.6M memory peak.
Mar 20 14:59:54 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: gnome-terminal-server.service: Consumed 26.805s CPU time, 139.8M memory peak.
Mar 20 14:59:54 bobdenaut gnome-shell[3672]: JS ERROR: TypeError: this.actor is null
Mar 20 15:00:14 bobdenaut gsd-xsettings[14558]: Failed to get current UI scaling factor: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Destination does not exist
Mar 20 15:00:14 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: Started org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.service - GNOME XSettings service.
Mar 20 15:00:14 bobdenaut systemd[3306]: Reached target gnome-session-x11-services-ready.target - GNOME session X11 services.
Mar 20 15:00:15 bobdenaut mutter-x11-fram[14633]: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead.

This may be a result of some graphics regressions that have been popping up recently. It could be either a kernel, mesa or Gnome bug, unfortunately all have been having various issues. What kind of GPU do you have?

What you can try is to disable hardware acceleration in the browser, to see if that makes a difference.

You appear to be using X11 instead of Wayland?

HI, I am running NVidia RTX 4070 and the server is Wayland.
Yes, I will disable hardware acceleration, anyways, it’s been a few hours since my Fedora is working properly.

I see you are on LIbreWolf. You might have better luck with FireFox.

A cool way to see if your apps are running on x is to use ‘xeyes’.

sudo dnf install xeyes

If the eyes follow your pointer, the window is running on x.

What difference does it make to use FF or LibreWolf?

In the troubleshooting information it says that Wayland is used:

Window Protocol:	wayland

I have now implemented this suggestion and will see if it has helped:

One of the solutions mentioned is to set /sys/class/drm/card1/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level to high instead of auto, which seems to definitely fix the problem for me right now.

In my case, the file was in the card2 folder.

so you had the same problem?

Yes, or at least a very similar one. The system stopped responding, but I could still move the mouse.

Today I had another one after trying the following.

19:45:58 systemd: Failed to start org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.service - GNOME XSettings service.
19:42:57 systemd-coredum: Process 8556 (threema-web) of user 1000 dumped core.

Stack trace of thread 3:
#0  0x00005619eecce67e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x244667e)
#1  0x00005619eecc7e39 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x243fe39)
#2  0x00005619eee62499 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x25da499)
#3  0x00005619eee9de3e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2615e3e)
#4  0x00005619eedb964e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253164e)
#5  0x00005619eedb970e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253170e)
#6  0x00005619f15a7f53 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1ff53)
#7  0x00005619f15a80be n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d200be)
#8  0x00005619f15ac54e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d2454e)
#9  0x00005619f15ac088 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d24088)
#10 0x00005619f15a7b5e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1fb5e)
#11 0x00005619eeff67e4 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276e7e4)
#12 0x00005619eeff7fde n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276ffde)
#13 0x00005619eeff7df6 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276fdf6)
#14 0x00005619eeff57bb n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d7bb)
#15 0x00005619eeff58c0 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d8c0)
#16 0x00005619eecdb928 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2453928)
#17 0x00007f373b8c2299 n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae299)
#18 0x00007f37399c0188 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a188)
#19 0x00007f37399c024b n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a24b)
#20 0x00007f373b8c252b n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae52b)
#21 0x00005619ee8d002a n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x204802a)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

19:42:56 systemd: Failed to start org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.service - GNOME XSettings service.
19:42:36 systemd-coredum: Process 8381 (threema-web) of user 1000 dumped core.

Stack trace of thread 3:
#0  0x000055888e8ce67e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x244667e)
#1  0x000055888e8c7e39 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x243fe39)
#2  0x000055888ea62499 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x25da499)
#3  0x000055888ea9de3e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2615e3e)
#4  0x000055888e9b964e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253164e)
#5  0x000055888e9b970e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x253170e)
#6  0x00005588911a7f53 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1ff53)
#7  0x00005588911a80be n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d200be)
#8  0x00005588911ac54e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d2454e)
#9  0x00005588911ac088 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d24088)
#10 0x00005588911a7b5e n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x4d1fb5e)
#11 0x000055888ebf67e4 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276e7e4)
#12 0x000055888ebf7fde n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276ffde)
#13 0x000055888ebf7df6 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276fdf6)
#14 0x000055888ebf57bb n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d7bb)
#15 0x000055888ebf58c0 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x276d8c0)
#16 0x000055888e8db928 n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x2453928)
#17 0x00007faf11776299 n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae299)
#18 0x00007faf0f872188 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a188)
#19 0x00007faf0f87224b n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 + 0x2a24b)
#20 0x00007faf1177652b n/a (/app/lib/libzypak-preload-host-spawn-strategy.so + 0xae52b)
#21 0x000055888e4d002a n/a (/app/main/threema-web + 0x204802a)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

19:41:08 systemd: Failed to start grub-boot-success.service - Mark boot as successful.
19:39:11 kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: Failed to set workload mask 0x00000001
19:39:11 kernel: [drm:vcn_v4_0_stop [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Dpm disable uvd failed, ret = -121. 
19:39:11 kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: Failed to power gate VCN!
19:39:11 kernel: [drm:amdgpu_device_ip_set_powergating_state [amdgpu]] *ERROR* set_powergating_state of IP block <jpeg_v4_0> failed -110
19:39:11 kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: [drm:jpeg_v4_0_set_powergating_state [amdgpu]] *ERROR* amdgpu: JPEG enable power gating failed
19:38:58 systemd-logind: Failed to open '/boot//loader/entries': Remote address changed
19:38:48 systemd-tmpfile: "/root" already exists and is not a directory.
19:38:47 kernel: cros-usbpd-charger cros-usbpd-charger.6.auto: probe with driver cros-usbpd-charger failed with error -71
19:38:32 kernel: ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: GET_CABLE_PROPERTY failed (-5)

Mine froze today again while I was in KVM installing windows.
I must mention that I have plenty of ram, 32 GB.
The system was running smooth and all of a sudden, it become like a picture, could not move mouse and also the keyboard died.
Hard reboot as the only option.
Too bad I didn’t have the logs enabled.

I can even reproduce a freeze when I try to start Brave:

flatpak run com.brave.Browser
[2:2:0329/130530.956236:ERROR:ozone_platform_x11.cc(245)] Missing X server or $DISPLAY
[2:2:0329/130530.956263:ERROR:env.cc(257)] The platform failed to initialize.  Exiting. 

Half a minute later I can only move the mouse but nothing else reacts.

Ok too soon, after a few restarts and trying to read something from the logs it works again :expressionless_face: