$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=38
Skipping packages with conflicts:
(add '--best --allowerasing' to command line to force their upgrade):
qt5-qtbase x86_64 5.15.11-3.fc38 updates 3.6 M
Skipping packages with broken dependencies:
qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld x86_64 5.15.12-4.fc38 rpmfusion-free-updates 46 M
What to do?
My edition is KDE Plasma.
I see that there is this component among the downgrading list
qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld x86_64 5.15.12-1.fc38 rpmfusion-free 45 M
I would remove qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld and try again.
Unless you’re using a Qt5 QtWebEngine-based browser like Falkon, you probably won’t even notice the difference. That package provides patent-encumbered codec support for that browser engine. (Fortunately, the Qt6 version doesn’t need anything like this.)
If you still get conflicts after that, please share the full output.
First you would want to verify that your system is fully upgraded to the latest package versions in the running release with sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
After that then try the version upgrade again and see if there are any changes in the messages.
Theoretically there should be nothing downgraded, but at times there are. Having done the upgrade refresh step tries to make certain all will be properly upgraded to the new release version without problems.
When looking at packages in 3rd party repos this sometimes happens and as long as you make note of everything the upgrade proposes to do there is seldom anything to be concerned about. You can always reinstall packages from a different repo if needed.
Fortunately, the Qt6 version doesn’t need anything like this.
How come? I assume it does not bundled so is there another package I gotta install for that, e.g. ffmpeg-freeworld? (I know WPEWebKit uses gstreamer though I am not sure how chromium handles hardware decoding)