Possible Error during verification of the authenticity of fedora silverblue: lines not properly formatted

I verifed my iso file using all the commands as on the fedora page and it said the file is okay, however i got a warning that the lines are not properly formatted

Just a heads up, I think you accidentally made your post as a code block / added some HTML tags - but to your statement, I assume your question is “what to do about it”, and the answer to that would likely be “nothing needed, it’s expected”:

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thank you john. yes by mistake i added some html tags.

No idea what happened there, fixed it for you :slight_smile:

So the issue is during the sha256 verification, which passes but gives an error about 17 improperly formatted lines.

Added installation, security

This is a duplicate of Error while verifying authenticity of Fedora Silverblue 40 and it was answered there.

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