Panel displayed over fullscreen videos in Chrome

Hi, I recently installed Fedora KDE Plasma spin and I love it. I have just one problem. When I play video from chrome and I switch it to fullscreen, panel stays over the video. When I do the same with Firefox, all is good. Any idea why is it happening? Thanks a lot

What panel are you referring to, and can you supply a screenshot of this happening?

I see. That would indeed annoy me immensely.

If you grab a video file locally and play it using VLC or mpv in full-screen, do you get the same issue (implying that if you can only replicate this in Chrome then it’s probably a chrome bug or chrome interaction with KDE as other browsers and stand-alone videoplayers operate correctly.)

I don’t use Chrome myself, but I cannot replicate this with Firefox, Zen or Floorp, which are the only browsers I have to hand and they are all based on Firefox anyway, so it’s not surprising they all play well. I also cannot replicate it with mpv.

Does fiddling with the panel config make any difference (setting it to dodge windows for example). It makes no difference here, but maybe you have other adjustments other than moving it to the top…

In VLC is also fine and yes, I tried to fiddle with panel settings before, but I want panel to be always visible not hiding. Currently I have this:

Exactly the same as mine then.

Smells like a chrome bug to be honest.