Outdated RPMfusion guide for OStree desktops?

Hello everyone, I recently did a fresh install of Fedora Silverblue and tried to follow the instructions at the RPMfusion website to install the extra codecs and drivers etc.

Unfortunately, The instructions provided did not work and I had to modify some of the commands to install the extra codecs/drivers correctly.

I have already filed an issue on the RPMfusion bugzilla.
I am interested to hear about the experience everyone else has had, and if anyone has faced any similar issues, what workarounds they have used.

Copy/pasting here what you wrote there:

  1. The instruction for installing gstreamer requires setting --allow-inactive flag
    The command in the website:
rpm-ostree install \
        gstreamer1-plugin-libav \
        gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras \
        gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld \
        gstreamer1-plugins-ugly \

The fixed command :

rpm-ostree install \
        gstreamer1-plugin-libav \
        gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras \
        gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld \
        gstreamer1-plugins-ugly \
        gstreamer1-vaapi \
  1. The instructions for installing ffmpeg don’t work and require a different command.
    The command in the website:
rpm-ostree override remove \
             libavcodec-free \
             libavfilter-free \
             libavformat-free \
             libavutil-free \
             libpostproc-free \
             libswresample-free \
             libswscale-free \
        --install ffmpeg

The fixed command:

rpm-ostree override remove \
             fdk-aac-free \
             libavcodec-free \
             libavdevice-free \
             libavfilter-free \
             libavformat-free \
             libavutil-free \
             libpostproc-free \
             libswresample-free \
             libswscale-free \
             ffmpeg-free \
        --install ffmpeg
  1. The instructions for installing mesa hardware codecs for AMD don’t work, as vdpau isn’t installed by default on Fedora Silverblue 41
    The command in the website:
rpm-ostree override remove mesa-vdpau-drivers \
        --install mesa-vdpau-drivers-freeworld

The fixed command:

rpm-ostree install mesa-vdpau-drivers-freeworld
  1. If you use --allow-inactive then it means that you are installing something that is already installed in the image, so instead we should remove the package that is already installed from the list. This may vary by Fedora release.

  2. The list of sub packages for ffmpeg likely changed and this list needs to be kept in sync.

  3. Looks like the package got removed from the image. Would need an update as well. Might depend on the Fedora release.

Found another relevant discussion : [Silverblue] RPM Fusion codec instructions not working - #3 by nmcbride