Opinion poll - Documentation full-time resources

Hi folks, I’ve been pondering upon documentation practices of different Fedora editions and edition-agnostic documentation like Quick Docs/release notes. To find inspiring examples outside Fedora, I examined documentation sites of a couple of other Linux distros. To suppress confirmation bias, I reminded myself of two things;

  • Things are not always comparable.
  • As the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side.

I picked two distros because these two are community-run and sponsored by a company. And Arch.

In spite of generous support from casual contributors and full-time resources from Red Hat until April 2023, some of Fedora docs is not looked after at all for months. Docs weekly meeting is run by 1 or 2 people. It is hard to keep motivated at this stage - that’s me inclusive. It is even harder to mentor new contributors if the current state is left unattended.

Opinion poll statement for your vote is

If we bring back full-time resources to Docs team, it will make a huge difference to the growth of documentation contributors and help thrive documentation projects across working groups including Docs team.

For example, resources are either UX/Antora specialist or board member/technical reviewers.

  • Yes, it will make a difference.
  • No, we are good. What’s the big deal?
  • I don’t know. I think you’re too sceptical.
0 voters

I will vote for others if that option is given.

I think to make the overall contribution environment as cloud-source friendly will allow more contributions.

Hi, I’m not clear about what you mean.

What options do you want me to add to the poll?

I think to make the overall contribution environment as cloud-source friendly will allow more contributions.

It looks like a different story.

Identify medium term areas that is most impactful to work on before add resources to work on those areas.

Or add resources to identify those areas.

Thanks. The poll is not about documentation strategies. We, as a community, haven’t discussed such strategies. You could discuss that in separate threads on Fedora strategy.

Can’t adjust the poll now.

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