I am experiencing “NVIDIA Kernel module missing, failing back to nouveau” on first boot after every update. First, I thought it is similar to other problems posted on the forum, but there is a catch which is, it gets fixed if I reboot one more time. I installed the driver by executing the following commands,
sudo dnf install kmodtool akmods mokutil openssl
sudo kmodgenca -a
sudo mokutil --import /etc/pki/akmods/certs/public_key.der
sudo shutdown -r now
sudo dnf install gcc kernel-headers kernel-devel akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686
# Waited for 10 minutes to let the module to be loaded
sudo akmods --force
sudo dracut --force
sudo shutdown -r now
I checked using lsmod |grep nouveau and the output was nothing to make sure I am using the correct driver. This issue occurred twice, as I am a new Fedora user. Any help to resolve this issue will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for the time and attention.
After an update that installs a new kernel it is required that the user wait for several minutes (I recommend at least 5) to allow the drivers to be properly rebuilt for the new kernel before rebooting.
If the wait is not adequate the system usually will complete the driver build and installation but does give the message you report since it does not yet have that driver ready to load.
I suggest that whenever you do an update you make it standard practice to wait an adequate time after the update completes before performing the reboot…
I waited more than 30 minutes because I had some work ongoing and finally rebooted. So, I am asking you to make sure I understand your suggestion clearly whether I should wait the prescribed period before clicking on “Restart & Updates…” for the case of “OS Update” or after the reboot and log in then wait for 5–10 minutes and reboot again? Is the double reboot normal for the NVIDIA? Is there any relation of this problem with disk encryption and secure boot? Again, apologies for so many questions as I am very new and just started learning.
When updating using the gui software manager the system may force an immediate reboot, which then may not allow adequate time for kernel modules to be properly compiled and installed before the reboot happens.
When performing updates from the command line the user has the choice of waiting an adequate period before rebooting.
If the update does not involve updating drivers or kernel then an immediate reboot is usually OK. However, if there are drivers or kernel updates being done then the delay is required to allow time for the new kernel modules to be prepared and updated.
I always use the command line to perform updates so I have control of timing on when the reboot occurs.
In some cases, if the reboot is performed before the new drivers are properly prepared and ready for the reboot, then yes a second reboot may be required. Updates using the gui software tools seem to be the cause most of the time.
Your title seems to indicate this is likely your issue.