Not able to mount btrfs subvolume

ohio is the folder in root where @ subvol are placed and I am using btrfs . When I comment out uuids with subvol one then my system works otherwise a bunch of error at boot of different services and kde does not launch

I even tried creating subvol at root and the subvol in fstab was @log @home etc… and then also same errors

Also every time I reload systemmd units after editing fstab
idk what i am doing wrong or fedora works differently but never had this problem in another distros

[BATMAN ] (Profile - legionguy - Fedora Discussion) legionguy

Could you pleas first read the Code of Conduct :: Fedora Docs and then thinking of a display name without this power/sex language. You can easily change this in the Profile settings.

When we are on the same level (language wise), community members probably not have to flag you.
This way, it also feels more inviting to help you.


Changed :pray::sob::pray:

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Can you provide output of sudo btrfs subvolume list /