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The OpenPGP keys are usually being imported with the first installation of the Brave browser.

What is the output of dnf repoinfo brave-browser? After installation, mine looks like this:

$ dnf repoinfo brave-browser
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
Repo ID              : brave-browser
Name                 : Brave Browser
Status               : enabled
Priority             : 99
Cost                 : 1000
Type                 : available
Metadata expire      : 172800 seconds (last: 2024-12-23 12:18:57)
Skip if unavailable  : true
Config file          : /etc/yum.repos.d/brave-browser.repo
URLs                 : 
  Base URL           :
OpenPGP              : 
  Keys               :
  Verify repodata    : false
  Verify packages    : true
Repodata info        : 
  Available packages : 327
  Total packages     : 327
  Size               : 26.8 GiB
  Revision           : 1734632088
  Updated            : 2024-12-19 18:14:48

What version and edition of Fedora are you using?

Please post the output as preformatted text, using the </> button.




What is the output of ls -la /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-brave?

In case the file exists, you can check if it matches the file from The two files should match.



Fixed with uninstall / reinstall.


Glad you got it working, but Linux is a community effort, and the community can benefit from seeing error messages. These may help identify other instances of the same problem and contribute to a solution that will prevent others from encountering the same problem.

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Hi George, thank you for your post / feedback.
If you are wondering why I deleted all my posts…
I appreciate that Fedora is a community based assistance.
I also thought (maybe wrongly) that it was limited to Fedora members only.
If I am wrong please let me know.
When I gave a question concerning the previous problem into a search machine on the internet, I was surprised to see my entire post with my name and PC info shown on-line, that had NOTHING to do with the Fedora platform.
Then I decided to eliminate the posts, with my private data.
But I did include how I resolved the problem for other members.
If this is a normal activity for the Fedora platform, to make EVERYTHING as a member known to the entire internet, please let me know.

Thank you


I was surprised to see my entire post with my name and PC info shown on-line, that had NOTHING to do with the Fedora platform.

The z in inxi -Fzxx removes the most sensitive data (see the “Privacy and Security” section in man inxi) but the hardware configuration is often important to understanding an issue, so there is a tradeoff concerning what is revealed.