Nextcloud and Fedora 37 to 38 upgrade


I have a Fedora 37 system that has a Nextcloud server installed through the official packages. It is version 25.0.3. I am preparing to upgrade the system to Fedora 38. I see that the official Nextcloud package in Fedora 38 is version 27.0.3. The php version is also updated. I have read that there is risk to the Nextcloud database when trying to upgrade multiple major versions, and the Nextcloud community strongly recommends incremental updates. I’m wondering if there is a way that I can upgrade my current Nextcloud on Fedora 37 at least to Nextcloud 26.x prior to the upgrade to Fedora 38. I presume if I update my installation manually that might break the upgrade process.

Alternatively, are there users who have successfully upgraded from Nextcloud 25 to 27 through the Fedora 37 to 38 process? Or can I exclude Nextcloud from upgrading and then do an incremental upgrade through v 26 once on Fedora 38 (perhaps temporarily installing php 8.1, as I read that 8.2 is not supported by Nextcloud 25).

Any thoughts on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

Before I get started, I would recommend you excersise caution and take a full backup before you attempt any upgrades here. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

It is also worth noting that Fedora 39 is imminent, so whilst it is recommended you update to 38 first rather than jumping straight to 39, you may want to upgrade again shortly. I’d recommend keeping note of whatever ends up working for you.

Now whilst I do use Nextcloud, it has only ever been through Docker, so I cannot guarantee any of the mentioned processes will work.

  • Do not attempt to manually upgrade Nextcloud if you installed it from a package. That will cause breakage in the future.

You can use point 2.2 from this page to learn how to find all available versions of Nextcloud in the repositories.

If you can’t find what you need there, then you can attempt to install the RPMs for a specific version directly from Koji nextcloud | Package Info | koji

I would recommend moving one major release at a time, and ensuring you complete the full upgrade either via the web interface or occ before proceeding. Also, ensure that all functionality works as expected before performing another update, and be advised a reboot may be helpful between any major package changes.

I hope this can be of use to you, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

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I took a look at what is available, hoping to find a Nextcloud 26 package for Fedora 37. It appears that one was in fact built, as well as one for Fedora 38, but both were deleted and are not available. The Fedora 39 package is available, however. I am apparently not the only one to have this problem as I found someone who took the srpm for the F39 version and rebuilt it for 38. But that seems like a dicey proposition to me.

As this is not the first issue I have had with Nextcloud on Fedora, and after further reading on this, I think it is time to stop using the Fedora package of Nextcloud and move to Docker for a more stable future of my Nextcloud installation.

Thanks again for your help.

Fair enough.

For anyone viewing this in future, just because a package is built for a different version of Fedora doesn’t mean it won’t work with another version. (It obviously is not guaranteed to work, but in a pinch it may be viable).

I wish you the best of luck with your move to the docker image.

Just to update this in case anyone else finds their way here, as I was planning to migrate my instance to docker anyway, I decided to just go ahead and try updating nexttcloud v25 to v26 on Fedora 37 using the packages for Fedora 39 (in my case nextcloud, nextcloud-httpd and nextcloud-mysql). That update went fine, and then I proceeded with the upgrade to Fedora 38 which also successfully upgraded nextcloud to v27. As usual, after both updates I had to modify the ownership of some files in /usr/share/nextcloud to apache, but the upgrade works. Thanks Seth for your comments.
I’m still planning to migrate to a docker based instance, but this will give me some time to make that change. That all said, perhaps my expectations are unrealistic, but I had switched to the official package after having issues with php versions and Fedora updates with a manually installed instance thinking that the officially maintained package would avoid these kinds of problems. I realize that the cadence of nextcloud releases and the requirement of incremental updates make maintenance of this package difficult, but I don’t quite understand why a nextcloud v26 wasn’t available for f37 or f38 when v27 was released for f38.

Thanks again for your help.