For use (consideration) on Fedora40-Workstation.
Hi Everyone,
A bit of a backstory so that you can hopefully understand my question and help me make the correct decision. My main operations on this OS will be as it was under windows, A lot of video editing ( In DaVinci Resolve) and a lot of CAD design ( In FreeCAD)…
When trying to install or setup my Nvidia RTX2060 on Fedora40 workstation,
When following This video or This video I have had nothing but problems.
I tried for 2 solid weeks to get the gpu’s drivers installed, and the one time I did get them installed the next day there was an update and the whole gpu install was broken once more.
I was told moreover, to also make sure that I am when setting up Fedora to make sure that I am installing the 3rd party drivers as well, which I did, but, when searching under the software store no Nvidia drivers are shown to me, I had to install feddy to get the drivers to show up at all under the GUI.
Using RPMFusion came with its own set of challenges as certain libraries were not present further complicating things for this total novice… I followed some posts found here, But, things just did not work or, just completely broke the install needing a fresh install to be done putting me back to square one.
For me, the biggest issue is trying to find a post that shows a CLEAN install NOT done inside a container or a VM but on a clean system without any other OS running, if there is something like this with step by step CLEAR and WELL explained steps to their results and or possible errors and how to FIX those errors, PLEASE point me there.
I will gladly give it a go.
I am not saying that this is because of wrong directions inside said video tutorials, but, there were a lot of things that did not result in the same outcome as shown inside the videos, this could very well be down to me entering something incorrectly, although not 20 or 25 times after one another not so likely.
My question is this:
Am I better off Buying an AMD GPU? Here are the gotcha’s though that you most certainly MUST keep in mind when making your assessments and replying to me please. EVERYTHING is between a x18 or x20 in price for me.
In other words, if an item cost 200 US$ it will cost me 3600 to 4000$ in my money, so this is not just a case of go out and buy, this is something I need to approach with caution and I ask that you please give me some constructive feedback in this regard.
Thank you kindly.