My notes: commands to run after installing F40 KDE spin

So I have this in my notes, to execute after installing F40 KDE. I wanted to share them here to see if I might be doing something that should not be needed or if I’m doing something wrong:

  1. Remove bloat:
sudo dnf remove elisa-player dragon kamoso kmahjongg kmines kpat kolourpaint kontact kde-connect kmail korganizer kaddressbook akregator krdc krfb mediawriter im-chooser kgpg kmouth kmousetool neochat skanpage plasma-welcome
  1. Fix timezone
timedatectl set-local-rtc 0
timedatectl set-ntp true
  1. Fix NTP
sudo nano /etc/chrony.conf
# These servers were defined in the installation:  
#server _gateway iburst  
# Use public servers from the project.  
# Please consider joining the pool (  
server iburst  
server iburst  
server iburst  
server iburst
systemctl restart chronyd
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