Mindshare election: interview with Sumantro Mukherjee

Originally published at: Mindshare election: interview with Sumantro Mukherjee – Fedora Community Blog

This is a part of the Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Friday, 3 June and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, 16 June.

Interview with Sumantro Mukherjee

  • Fedora Account: sumantrom
  • IRC: sumantrom (found in #fedora,#fedora-kde,#fedora-mindshare,#fedora-social,#fedora-social-hour, #fedora-arm,#fedora-devel,#fedora-qa,#fedora-workstation,#fedora-test-days, #fedora-i3,#fedora-badges,#fedora-docs,#fedora-l18n,#fedora-ambassadors)
  • Fedora User Wiki Page


What is your background in Fedora? What have you worked on and what are you doing now?

I am a part of Fedora QA team where I focus on onboarding new members and running test days (Kernel Test Week starts 5th June; participate and earn badges – Just saying πŸ˜‰ ). I have helped out by running events, writing docs, blogs/articles, mentorship programs and revamping the Ambassador Program. In the recent past, I am working towards building a strong digital ambassadorship program.

Please elaborate on the personal β€œWhy” which motivates you to be a candidate for Mindshare.

Fedora in recent years has been in the talks, be it conferences or tech news. I run my own YT channel, promote a lot of QA test day events over socials and totally believe in the power of Digital Ambassadorship.

Following my passion to build, expand and integrate the digital/tech review community has always been a big part of my β€œwhy” I stand here in the election.

Mindshare has some of the best minds of the Fedora Project and as a whole, I think the goal to build the Digital Ambassador program will usher Fedora Project to new heights as a whole.

I have always been motivated to build tech for not us ourselves but also for folks who need special attention. Yes, the a11y.

As a part of our Ambassador Process, I would like to work on making it more inclusive as a whole, much like two of 4 pillars have to say – Friends First πŸ™‚

Is there a specific task or issue you think that Mindshare should address this term and how would you contribute to that effort?

I would help Mindshare leverage the new shiny docs, design assets, and survey mechanism put in place as a result of Revamp Objective.

My area of focus will be Ambassador and building back the mindshare in Linux ecosystem with digital empowerment.

This goes without saying, that it will help Fedora’s 3-5 yr objective to increase contributors.
I have done something very similar with Kernel Test Weeks (and other test weeks) with live streams and which lead to 500+ test runs across 143 testers. I am sure with some work, we can build the Digital Ambassador program as well!