Lightdm memory leak after F41 upgrade

Apart from a few common issues, the latest F41 upgrade went well. But after a few days, I noticed a recurrent high memory consumption usage, almost double more than usual (~35% to 64% and slowly increasing). I could see that the Xorg process was eating 29% on its own after 2 hours with light work until it finally gave out (100% mem and swap, systemd-oomd in murder mode ^^, xfce session frozen).
I have narrowed it down to lightdm, switched to sddm and the problem is gone … but that’s part of the issue ^^’ :

  • I can’t find any logs that would explain how lightdm was eating at my memory
  • I wanted to file a bug report, but with what then ?
  • chatgpt is not helping much, d***d it
    Any idea please where (and maybe also what) I should start looking for ?
    Thanks !

Well, I hit a wall there : it took longer, but I’m back with my memory flying off the shelves. So, lightdm was not the culprit after all.

with the lightdm bug tracker? Bug List

do you know utilities like top, htop, btop to analyze memory usage by process or user?
could also use the ps command with a bit of sorting and filtering:

ps aux | sort -rnk 4 | head -5


ps aux | head -1; ps aux | sort -rnk 4 | head -5

Little misunderstanding here, I wasn’t referring to where I should report the bug, I was referring to the fact that I can’t provide data since I can’t find any. I can’t exactly file the bug with just “There’s a memory leak there” and … voilà ! (especially since I think now that I was wrong anyway about lightdm ^^)

Thank you anyway.

For now I’m tracking the memory usage with a script running smem, executed every hour :
smem -r -k -s uss -p -a >> chk_mem.txt
So far so good since this night 1:30 AM after restarting sddm, but I didn’ t do much today on this machine.