Hello. I just recently installed KDE Plasma and I’m trying to access my Ledger Nano via Ledger Live and I’m getting an error. Ledger says it supports Ubuntu 20+, has anyone had experience getting Ledger Nano (or other Ledger Cold Wallet) to work on either KDE or GNOME? Thanks for the support.
what error do you receive? are you using the appimage?
Yes. When i load the app image , the Ledger Live app opens and when i tried to connect to my wallet I get the following error: “Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact ledger support” When I run the appimage via Konsole and look at the logs, I get this error while SF Live is loading: [3531:1207/195326.319384:ERROR:gbm_wrapper.cc(253)] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
Any update?
I think by checking their Ubuntu install instructions, there are udev rules needed for the appimage to work. I’d try that