Kmail/Kontact gmail and proton bridge wont connect

i wanted to switch from thunderbird to use default shipped apps and setup proton mail Bridge to use in Kontact/Kmail and proton bridge connection on Kontact says not connected cant connect and with gmail it is authenticated and connected, but no mails out or in

got proton mail bridge working automatic settings wont work had to manually set port and use clear text authentication method

gmail and copany emails connected, but not showing up on mails still

Open your gmail account in a browser, click the colored circle top-right with the first letter of your name, in the window that opens click on Manage your account.
Then in the search bar on top of the page type “app password”. In the app password section generate a password. Copy and paste that in the Kmail account settings (Receiving mail) instead of your own password which will not be needed anymore.
I am not entirely sure if you also have to use it for sending e-mail, but if sending mail still doesn’t work then also paste it in the Sending mail part of the settings.

Somehow Gmail thinks Kmail to be an insecure mail-client and therefore you need a generated (by Gmail) password which makes it secure. How? I have no idea.

Earlier this year I had a discussion about Kmail on the forum and Nate Graham (KDE) wrote:
Often what ends up happening is that a piece of software affected by human problems eventually gets abandoned as development resources organically shift to an internally-developed alternative that was created largely for the purpose of having different people behind it–or just abandon internal efforts in favor of a 3rd-party solution. It’s happened before with KOffice and Amarok, and I feel like I slowly see it happening with KMail too.

Maybe it is better to stay with Thunderbird, I made the change to Thunderbird when I read this coming from Nate and I must say, I hadn’t used Thunderbird in many years, but it works great.

thank you will do that and try it seems like default auth ethod is not working it kees disonneting calendars too from gmail

that enable and establish connection, but email account not showing up on Kontact same is on my Hostinger email accounts only proton accounts shows now and works

You did get an app password from Gmail? In Kmail, Settings, Receiving you replaced your password with this app password and tried to import messages?
When yes, then it is strange this doesn’t work, it has worked for me. I’m sorry I can’t show you my settings cause I don’t use Kmail anymore.
Do you use POP or IMAP mail? Did you set the correct port number belonging to a secure connection? Have a look here:
If this is also not the cause why it doesn’t work for you then I am afraid I can’t help you, these have always been the items I filled into the settings and it worked.

it is okey moving bak to thunderbird faster and easier to setup and use

Yes, it sure is. I was pleasantly surprised when I moved to Thunderbird, especially after having all my emails (I use POP btw with my own archive) moved over to Thunderbird. Didn’t loose one. Very impressive.

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so after a week of testing things i figured out that when i add and connect google online account and then add that account on Kontact i actually can see now calendars and contacts already, but not gmail on stil i think there is some settings missing on there and it is actually little wierd i have to add Google account to online accounts to enable calendar and contacts sync

also there is missing crucial plugins example PIM Events Plugin this enables calendar sync
KOrganizer reminder cant find

somehow i managed to get it work installed F40 added google online account → upgraded to F41 beta and now everything is showing gmail account, calendar events etc, but still small issues calendar seems to be offline still and gmail dont pull mails, but closer already so this seems to be more on KDE Kontact issue, but almost there already

and gmail using Xoath method

biggest issue is that all settings keeps reseting and it wont save those so each time i open i am back to defaults

not sure what happened, but after i took my HUB away and connected to Wifi and then connected HUB again that has ethernet connection all emails and accounts appeared with synced mails and IMAP accounts so for now everything is finally working gmail, proton mail and company emails

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