Kickstart with pxe fedora 33 pane dead signal 4

i use pxe and kickstart since fc18.
now i get a pane dead message with no clear source in the logs.
ks file is only altered on the path to 33 instead 32. dame client work with 32.

i see a lot of multipath-messages in the log, but these are warnings, not errors.

are there changes in kickstart, that could break an old ks?

pxelinux, newest vmlinuz and initrd, vm on VMware

thanks for any hint


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Hard to tell without the logs. There were quite a lot of changes in supported kickstart commands in Fedora 34, but only harddrive --biospart is marked as removed in F33 (see kickstart documentation for details about changed/removed commands). I’d recommend reporting a bug against Anaconda, please attach your kickstart and all logs from /tmp to it.

i changed the fs for the disks from ext4 to xfs, wat resulted in no dead pane, but a problem on initrd-switch-root

switch root: specified switch root path ‘/sysroot’ does not seem to be an OS tree. os-release file is missing

when i mount slices, i can only see data in what seems to bee /boot, all others are empty except for lost+found

hi there,

figured it out now.
after the setup, the default grub2-entry has the kernelargs from the pxe-config, what not works, of course.
will open a bugzilla case
