Issues with Smartcard based GUI Logon with Kerberos

Hello, I have my Fedora 40 desktop configured to use Active Directory for Authentication, we are trying to move to a passwordless setup at work.

When I run kinit in the CLI it works fine.

When I attempt with the same card to login to the desktop using the GUI it acts as it was successful after asking for my pin, but just sits there and does nothing, it never gives any kind of error.

I couldn’t find any specific errors in the SSSD logs it looks the same as any other successful login. Anyone have any ideas where there might be some good logs to check or any ideas on what differences there are logging in with GDM vs CLI for using Kerberos with a Smartcard

Did you solve this already? If not, please provide debug information like described in Troubleshooting Basics - GDM PAM configuration should be already configured to use SSSD.

Issue seems to be in GDM, and turning on debuging fixes it. Turning Debugging back off breaks it again. Smartcard Login using Kerberos hangs when debugging is not enabled (#934) · Issues · GNOME / gdm · GitLab

Can you enable debug in SSSD, not GDM?

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