Issues with Gparted

I am new to linux and ran into an issue when trying to rezise my linux partition:

Gparted which i booted from a stick in order to add unallocated space to my fedora silverblue partition wont go into the gui. I am just stuck in some warrenty disclaimer

I go through all the steps of choosing a language and so on and then just nothing happens.

I susspect “fatal error during gpu init” is the cause of the issue?

I would much apriciate anny help.

You could try adding nomodeset to the boot options when you fire up this Debian installation from the USB.

Can’t hurt, but without more to go on than "Fatal Error’, it’s trick to say WHY the GPU failed to initialise.

You could also boot from a Fedora Workstation live ISO, and use the preinstalled GNOME Disks for this purpose.

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You could also boot from the Fedora Workstation live iso then install gparted into that live environment and use gparted for the change.

I do note that you stated that you are on silverblue which is one of the immutable atomic versions so that might affect resizing the file system.

If you happen to be using an encrypted drive the encryption must be unlocked before you can resize it.

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Thank you!
I keept failing with fedora silverblue as a live boot. With workstation it worked.
Finding the right commands to download and start geparted was a pain but i managed and its exstanding my space as i typ.

Thank you very much

Gnomedisk wouldn’t work since the free space was left to my fedora install.