Issue after upgrading to Fedora 40

I have upgraded from Fedora 39 KDE to Fedora 40 KDE. Everything is broken, as soon as I log in, there are error about kde packages that crashed, all repos in the Discover center are vanished, included the essential ones like the fedora 40 repo and the fedora 40 updates repo, the only repos left after upgrading to Fedora 40 are flatpack and snap, I tried to enable them through CMD but nothing worked and in general as soon as I open discover there are errors about missing responses, I don’t know what to do, as a temporary solution I have downgraded my system to Fedora 39(here everything works fine), leaving installed fedora 40 in order to be able to log in and check if everything has changed. If someone had the same issue, or knows how to solve it please feel free to reply

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