I cannot push changes as non Fedora packager maintainer

I fork: Overview - rpms/mesa - src.fedoraproject.org

That’s mine.

I perform this operation recommended by @ankursinha (Package Maintenance Guide :: Fedora Docs) as you can see in this log:

fedpkg clone --anonymous forks/sincorchetes/rpms/mesa
cd mesa/
cp ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/mesa.spec .
cp ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0007-iris-solve-blinks-problems.patch .
fedpkg mockbuild
cp ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/mesa-21.3.3.tar.xz .
spectool -f mesa.spec 
fedpkg mockbuild
fedpkg diff
fedpkg lint
git checkout -b solve-intel-blinking-problems

I got this error message:

[sincorchetes@fedora mesa]$ fedpkg commit -p -c
Could not execute commit: Unable to find remote branch. Use --release
If current branch has to track a remote branch, fix it with command:
    git branch -u origin/solve-intel-blinking-problems
[sincorchetes@fedora mesa]$ fedpkg commit -p -c --release
usage: fedpkg [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--dry-run] [--release RELEASE]
              [--name NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--user USER]
              [--password PASSWORD] [--runas RUNAS] [--path PATH] [--verbose]
              [--debug] [-q] [--user-config USER_CONFIG]
fedpkg: error: unrecognized arguments: --release

There are two issues:

  1. You need an argument for the --release option, for example --release f35 if you are building for Fedora 35.
  2. --release is option for the fedpkg command and not for the commit command so it always needs to be fedpkg --release <version> commit. Unfortunately this is how option parsing works with fedkpg, I do the same mistake every time I try to use --release.

Actually the --release will be a problem for build, it shouldn’t be required for commit, just run the suggested git command

git branch -u origin/solve-intel-blinking-problems

I didn’t realize that fedpkg commit -p is also trying to push the change.

I’ve repeated the all steps in new dir:

fedpkg clone --anonymous forks/sincorchetes/rpms/mesa

cd mesa

mv ../../mesa/mesa.spec .

mv ../../mesa/0007-iris-solve-blinks-problems.patch .

spectool -g mesa.spec

fedpkg mockbuild

fedpkg diff

fedpkg lint

git checkout -b solve-intel-blinking-problems

git add mesa.spec 

git add 0007-iris-solve-blinks-problems.patch 

git config user.email sincorchetes@fedoraproject.org

git commit
[solve-intel-blinking-problems 31dbd2d] Solve blinking problems
 2 files changed, 745 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 0007-iris-solve-blinks-problems.patch

fedpkg commit -p -c
Could not execute commit: Unable to find remote branch. Use --release
If current branch has to track a remote branch, fix it with command:
    git branch -u origin/solve-intel-blinking-problems

fedpkg commit -p
On branch solve-intel-blinking-problems
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Could not commit, will not push!
Could not execute commit: Failed to execute command.

This process is too complicated to send a patch to perform a simple PR…

Here’s what I’ve done normally:

  1. Create a fork on src.fedoraproject.org

  2. Clone the fork onto my machine
    fedpkg clone -a forks/grumpey/rpms/mesa

  3. Make the changes

  4. Push the changes
    git push
    git push --set-upstream origin branchname

  5. On Overview - rpms/mesa - src.fedoraproject.org
    a. Go to commits
    b. Select Open PR, select the branch you want to make the PR From and create it.


Please kill me, please…

[sincorchetes@fedora mesa]$ git push --set-upstream origin solve-intel-blinking-problems
Please visit https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization?scope=openid+https%3A%2F%2Fid.fedoraproject.org%2Fscope%2Fgroups+https%3A%2F%2Fmbs.fedoraproject.org%2Foidc%2Fsubmit-build+https%3A%2F%2Fsrc.fedoraproject.org%2Fpush&response_type=code&client_id=fedpkg&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A12345%2F&response_mode=query to grant authorization
warning: invalid credential line: Opening in existing browser session.
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
[137263:137263:0100/000000.133701:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(376)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. - - [16/Jan/2022 13:34:42] "GET /?code=05ff233e-d393-4c5b-ab2c-3c5277418464_outjVQM705reLMEYn_Cu5-9lPW36JJP0 HTTP/1.1" 200 47
Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
Username for 'https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/sincorchetes/rpms/mesa.git': sincorchetes
Password for 'https://sincorchetes@src.fedoraproject.org/forks/sincorchetes/rpms/mesa.git': 
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/sincorchetes/rpms/mesa.git/'

I run once time and I got a lot of debug lines but I can see it at the end!

Hrm, I’m not sure. It’s hard to debug too because I’ll have to create a dummy account etc.

Maybe just open a bug and attach a git patch generated using git format patch there? That’s effectively what a PR does.

Edit: Ah, so it did work then eventually? Were you able to open your PR?

This is the output after do:

git push --set-upstream origin solve-intel-blinking-problems

Because with fedpkg I couldn’t do it.

[sincorchetes@fedora mesa]$ git push --set-upstream origin solve-intel-blinking-problems
Enumerating objects: 6, done.
Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 9.54 KiB | 9.54 MiB/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,223 [INFO] pagure.lib.git_auth: Looking for backend: distgit
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,223 [INFO] pagure.lib.git_auth: Looking for backend: distgit
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,232 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Found the following installed helpers {'test_auth': EntryPoint.parse('test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper'), 'gitolite2': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth'), 'gitolite3': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth'), 'pagure': EntryPoint.parse('pagure = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'pagure_authorized_keys': EntryPoint.parse('pagure_authorized_keys = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'distgit': EntryPoint.parse('distgit = dist_git_auth:DistGitAuth')}
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,232 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Found the following installed helpers {'test_auth': EntryPoint.parse('test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper'), 'gitolite2': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth'), 'gitolite3': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth'), 'pagure': EntryPoint.parse('pagure = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'pagure_authorized_keys': EntryPoint.parse('pagure_authorized_keys = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'distgit': EntryPoint.parse('distgit = dist_git_auth:DistGitAuth')}
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,298 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Returning helper <class 'dist_git_auth.DistGitAuth'> from backend key 'distgit'
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,298 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Returning helper <class 'dist_git_auth.DistGitAuth'> from backend key 'distgit'
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,307 [DEBUG] pagure.utils: User is a committer
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:36,307 [DEBUG] pagure.utils: User is a committer
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,708 [INFO] pagure.lib.git_auth: Looking for backend: distgit
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,708 [INFO] pagure.lib.git_auth: Looking for backend: distgit
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,716 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Found the following installed helpers {'test_auth': EntryPoint.parse('test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper'), 'gitolite2': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth'), 'gitolite3': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth'), 'pagure': EntryPoint.parse('pagure = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'pagure_authorized_keys': EntryPoint.parse('pagure_authorized_keys = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'distgit': EntryPoint.parse('distgit = dist_git_auth:DistGitAuth')}
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,716 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Found the following installed helpers {'test_auth': EntryPoint.parse('test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper'), 'gitolite2': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth'), 'gitolite3': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth'), 'pagure': EntryPoint.parse('pagure = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'pagure_authorized_keys': EntryPoint.parse('pagure_authorized_keys = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'distgit': EntryPoint.parse('distgit = dist_git_auth:DistGitAuth')}
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,782 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Returning helper <class 'dist_git_auth.DistGitAuth'> from backend key 'distgit'
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,782 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Returning helper <class 'dist_git_auth.DistGitAuth'> from backend key 'distgit'
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,790 [DEBUG] pagure.utils: User is a committer
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:37,790 [DEBUG] pagure.utils: User is a committer
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,211 [INFO] pagure.lib.git_auth: Looking for backend: distgit
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,211 [INFO] pagure.lib.git_auth: Looking for backend: distgit
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,220 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Found the following installed helpers {'test_auth': EntryPoint.parse('test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper'), 'gitolite2': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth'), 'gitolite3': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth'), 'pagure': EntryPoint.parse('pagure = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'pagure_authorized_keys': EntryPoint.parse('pagure_authorized_keys = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'distgit': EntryPoint.parse('distgit = dist_git_auth:DistGitAuth')}
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,220 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Found the following installed helpers {'test_auth': EntryPoint.parse('test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper'), 'gitolite2': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth'), 'gitolite3': EntryPoint.parse('gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth'), 'pagure': EntryPoint.parse('pagure = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'pagure_authorized_keys': EntryPoint.parse('pagure_authorized_keys = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth'), 'distgit': EntryPoint.parse('distgit = dist_git_auth:DistGitAuth')}
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,288 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Returning helper <class 'dist_git_auth.DistGitAuth'> from backend key 'distgit'
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,288 [DEBUG] pagure.lib.git_auth: Returning helper <class 'dist_git_auth.DistGitAuth'> from backend key 'distgit'
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,419 [INFO] pagure.lib.notify: Sending blinker signal to: pagure - topic: git.branch.creation
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,419 [INFO] pagure.lib.notify: Sending blinker signal to: pagure - topic: git.branch.creation
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,648 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.Test.notification' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.misc_schema.TestNotificationV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,650 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.commit.flag.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.misc_schema.CommitFlagAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,651 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.commit.flag.updated' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.misc_schema.CommitFlagUpdatedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,653 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.git.branch.creation' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.git_schema.GitBranchCreationV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,654 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.git.branch.deletion' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.git_schema.GitBranchDeletionV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,656 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.git.receive' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.git_schema.GitReceiveV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,657 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.git.tag.creation' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.git_schema.GitTagCreationV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,659 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.git.tag.deletion' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.git_schema.GitTagDeletionV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,661 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.group.edit' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.misc_schema.GroupEditV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,662 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.assigned.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueAssignedAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,664 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.assigned.reset' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueAssignedResetV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,665 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.comment.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueCommentAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,667 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.dependency.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueDependencyAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,668 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.dependency.removed' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueDependencyRemovedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,670 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.drop' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueDropV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,672 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.edit' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueEditV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,673 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.new' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueNewV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,675 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.tag.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueTagAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,676 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.issue.tag.removed' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.issue_schema.IssueTagRemovedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,678 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.deleted' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectDeletedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,679 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.edit' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectEditV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,681 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.forked' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectForkedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,682 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.group.access.updated' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectGroupAccessUpdatedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,684 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.group.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectGroupAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,685 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.group.removed' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectGroupRemovedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,687 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.new' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectNewV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,688 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.tag.edited' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectTagEditedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,690 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.tag.removed' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectTagRemovedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,691 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.user.access.updated' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectUserAccessUpdatedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,693 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.user.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectUserAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,694 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.project.user.removed' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.project_schema.ProjectUserRemovedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,696 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.assigned.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestAssignedAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,697 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.assigned.reset' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestAssignedResetV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,699 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.closed' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestClosedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,700 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.comment.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestCommentAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,702 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.comment.edited' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestCommentEditedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,703 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.flag.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestFlagAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,705 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.flag.updated' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestFlagUpdatedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,706 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.initial_comment.edited' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestInitialCommentEditedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,708 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.new' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestNewV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,709 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.rebased' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestRebasedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,711 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.reopened' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestReopenedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,712 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.tag.added' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestTagAddedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,714 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.tag.removed' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestTagRemovedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,715 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'pagure.pull-request.updated' key as the '<class 'pagure_messages.pull_requests_schema.PullRequestUpdatedV1'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,716 [INFO] fedora_messaging.message: Registering the 'base.message' key as the '<class 'fedora_messaging.message.Message'>' class in the Message class registry
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,721 [WARNING] pagure.lib.notify: pagure is about to send a message that has no schemas: pagure.git.branch.creation
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,721 [WARNING] pagure.lib.notify: pagure is about to send a message that has no schemas: pagure.git.branch.creation
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,723 [INFO] twisted: Log opened.
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,724 [INFO] fedora_messaging.config: Loading configuration from /etc/fedora-messaging/config.toml
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,731 [INFO] fedora_messaging.twisted.service: Authenticating with server using x509 (certfile: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/pagurecert/src.fp.o.crt, keyfile: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/pagurecert/src.fp.o.key)
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,743 [INFO] twisted: Starting factory FedoraMessagingFactoryV2(parameters=<URLParameters host=rabbitmq.fedoraproject.org port=5671 virtual_host=/pubsub ssl=True>, confirms=True)
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,851 [INFO] pagure.lib.notify: Sending blinker signal to: pagure - topic: git.receive
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,851 [INFO] pagure.lib.notify: Sending blinker signal to: pagure - topic: git.receive
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,862 [WARNING] pagure.lib.notify: pagure is about to send a message that has no schemas: pagure.git.receive
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,862 [WARNING] pagure.lib.notify: pagure is about to send a message that has no schemas: pagure.git.receive
remote:   - to fedora-message
remote: Sending to redis to log activity and send commit notification emails
remote: * Publishing information for 1 commits
remote:   - to fedora-message
remote: Create a pull-request for solve-intel-blinking-problems
remote:    https://src.fedoraproject.org/fork/sincorchetes/rpms/mesa/diff/rawhide..solve-intel-blinking-problems
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,929 [INFO] fedora_messaging.twisted.protocol: Waiting for 0 consumer(s) to finish processing before halting
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,930 [INFO] fedora_messaging.twisted.protocol: Finished canceling 0 consumers
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,930 [INFO] pika.channel: Closing channel (200): 'Normal shutdown' on <Channel number=1 OPEN conn=<pika.adapters.twisted_connection._TwistedConnectionAdapter object at 0x7fc1570b99e8>>
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,930 [INFO] pika.channel: Closing channel (200): 'Normal shutdown' on <Channel number=2 OPEN conn=<pika.adapters.twisted_connection._TwistedConnectionAdapter object at 0x7fc1570b99e8>>
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,930 [INFO] pika.connection: Closing connection (200): 'Normal shutdown'
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,930 [INFO] pika.connection: Connection.close is waiting for 2 channels to close: <pika.adapters.twisted_connection._TwistedConnectionAdapter object at 0x7fc1570b99e8>
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,931 [INFO] pika.channel: Received <Channel.CloseOk> on <Channel number=2 CLOSING conn=<pika.adapters.twisted_connection._TwistedConnectionAdapter object at 0x7fc1570b99e8>>
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,931 [INFO] pika.channel: Received <Channel.CloseOk> on <Channel number=1 CLOSING conn=<pika.adapters.twisted_connection._TwistedConnectionAdapter object at 0x7fc1570b99e8>>
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,933 [INFO] pika.connection: AMQP stack terminated, failed to connect, or aborted: error-arg=None; pending-error=ConnectionDone()
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,934 [INFO] pika.connection: Stack terminated due to ConnectionDone()
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,935 [INFO] fedora_messaging.twisted.protocol: Disconnect requested, but AMQP connection already gone
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,935 [INFO] twisted: Stopping factory FedoraMessagingFactoryV2(parameters=<URLParameters host=rabbitmq.fedoraproject.org port=5671 virtual_host=/pubsub ssl=True>, confirms=True)
remote: 2022-01-16 13:36:39,935 [INFO] twisted: Main loop terminated.
To https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/sincorchetes/rpms/mesa.git
 * [new branch]      solve-intel-blinking-problems -> solve-intel-blinking-problems
Branch 'solve-intel-blinking-problems' set up to track remote branch 'solve-intel-blinking-problems' from 'origin'.

Yes, I could open the PR here: PR#13: Solve blinking problems - rpms/mesa - src.fedoraproject.org

I think is too complicated :frowning:

Thanks guys

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at Zuul-based-ci - Fedora Project Wiki

Why failed?

This is a build from scratch and all results are ok. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=81298037


error: Bad source: /workspace/src/src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/mesa/mesa-21.3.3.tar.xz: No such file or directory

I thought the build uses the actually mesa official git repo with my changes. Am I wrong?

I’ve seen, mesa was updated to 21.3.4 but It does not solve the problem. Back to perform all the processes I made… ugh!

It uses the files listed in the sources file that are pushed to the lookasidecache.


After do all changes for 21.3.4.

I got this:

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

check-for-arches : SUCCESS in 1m 35s
rpm-scratch-build : SUCCESS in 16m 30s
rpm-scratch-build-s390x : SUCCESS in 13m 40s (non-voting)
rpm-scratch-build-ppc64le : SUCCESS in 18m 41s (non-voting)
rpm-scratch-build-i686 : SUCCESS in 21m 40s (non-voting)
rpm-scratch-build-armv7hl : SUCCESS in 33m 21s (non-voting)
rpm-scratch-build-aarch64 : SUCCESS in 34m 19s (non-voting)
rpm-linter : FAILURE in 6m 29s
rpm-rpminspect : SUCCESS in 15m 18s (non-voting)
check-for-tests : SUCCESS in 46s
check-for-sti-tests : SUCCESS in 45s
check-for-fmf-tests : SUCCESS in 45s
rpm-install-test : SUCCESS in 2m 46s
rpm-test : SKIPPED
rpm-tmt-test : SKIPPED
rpm-sti-test : SKIPPED

:frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

Why? the rest of packages are built fine. Fedora does not love me! LOVE ME! lol

You can see what the rpmlint failures are:


These don’t mean that the build failed—the build succeeded. So, you can leave these for the maintainer to look at.

Also, usually we make pull requests against rawhide which carries the latest spec etc., and then maintainers backport fixes to stable releases (f34/35).



I cannot create a PR to rawhide:


Hrm, not a clue.

Why don’t you comment on the PR letting the maintainers know that this can also be applied to rawhide, and that somehow you’re not able to open a PR there also. They can then port it to rawhide themselves.

That list shows shortcuts to what branches on your fork do not already have PRs open. You already have a PR open for the solve-blinking-intel-mesa branch to f35.

To open one to rawhide, use the New Pull Request entry and explicitly set the source and target branches.


Why I waste my time to do a contribution if after my PR is closed and developer takes my solution to perform your fix and it’s does not included my work when It’s exactly the same?

I’m not sure what you’re implying here. Would you clarify please?

The patch existed upstream, and as a developer, i’m sure you’ll understand that a patch provided and tested + signed off upstream by someone from the development team would be preferred to a patch provided downstream where the commit information etc. has been removed (was there a reason you copied the code changes to generate a new patch instead of just using the upstream patch for your PR? That broke the chain of trust, and credit—your patch does not indicate that it came from upstream) So it’s fine for the maintainer to use the upstream patch directly instead in a way that fits the way the package is maintained.


applies the patch to both rawhide and f35

(As an additional note, your PR would take some work because the spec uses rpmautospec and in your PR, it does not use that any more).

I’d ask you to please read the code of conduct once. Your tone in this topic has been marked with negativity. I understand the frustration you experience when things do not work, but some of your comments are bordering on ranting here.


I can understand your words. But, It’s clear one thing. I’ve downloaded the mesa package. I’ve added the Patch line in the Patch section and added my self contribution in the changelog line.

I do not modify anything more, this spec is officially used for the release engineering. So, I didn’t know the rpmautospec does not use.

This patch is obtained directly from the upstream project because I quote the patch in the links.

At least, I hope the developer tells me: “thanks” for your time, I have to review this solution fix… Not close without any comment. In the end, just only include the same solution (patch upstream).

I think is a way to minimal gratefully to told a one person takes time to try to help others thanks.

Sorry if my words could be sound like “border”. I’m very direct and maybe these could be result offensive for others, so, please accept my apologies anyway.

1 Like

Yes, I agree that a comment on the PR before closing it would’ve been good. Not sure why the maintainer didn’t do that. Maybe they were busy—we try and give each other the benefit of the doubt in such cases.

If I were the maintainer, I’d have a few comments on your PR:

  • please use the upstream patch, including the git commit info (so not just a patch, a patch generated with git) because this then includes author information telling us who contributed the patch and where it fits in with the upstream git repo. (there’s really no reason to regenerate a new patch that strips out the git commit information)
  • please use rpmautospec, your PR includes a spec with the macros expanded: Welcome to the documentation of rpmautospec! — rpmautospec documentation So you don’t need to add a new line in the changelog, the changelog is automatically generated from the git commits.

So you can see how it was a little easier/quicker for the maintainer to just add the patch themselves than review a PR that required a few corrections. Sometimes maintainers spend the time to work with submitters, other times they may not be able to and just do the bits themselves.