I accidentally upgraded to fedora 42

I was upgrading my system to the latest version of fedora, from fedora 38, one release at a time. In accidentally went one too far!

I did:
dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=42

Which is obviously one past the latest release.

Is there a means to recover without having to install from scratch?



Maybe, though I have not tried it.
Try sudo dnf distro-sync --releasever=41 --allowerasing
It may solve the issue but I cannot guarantee that.

If you did not perform the follow-on step with dnf system-upgrade reboot then the actual upgrade to that version would have been downloaded but not actually completed.

When I did the jump from fc41 to fc42 the last step gave me different instructions to run a dnf5 command to reboot and install. I see "Fedora release 42 (Rawhide) in /etc/fedora-release.

Most things I need are working, except for one application that I use under wine.

Should I expect a clean update to fc42 when fc42 is finally released in April/May?

When I list packages I see that many of the packages installed are marked as @stored_transacation.
Does anyone know what that means?

dnf list wine
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
Installed packages
wine.x86_64 10.0-0.6rc3.fc42 @stored_transaction

Available packages
wine.i686 10.0-0.6rc3.fc42 rawhide

I found this while doing other searching and it has resolved my dillema. I have successfully switched from rawhide back to fedora 41.

sudo dnf distro-sync --releasever=41 --refresh --disablerepo rawhide \
  --enablerepo fedora --allowerasing --best

Happy New Year!

