How to use a direct mirror with DNF and avoid checking

My ISPs or my country’s Internet infrastructure seem to be blocking The IP address for this web address is not resolved in most networks in my country. Only via a VPN, can you update your Fedora workstation.
When I run a dnf update command, I often get an error related to not being able to access

The specific mirrors do not have a problem most often. So, my question is “How can I stop Fedora from checking” each time I invoke an update? How can I pass a direct mirror to the DNF command or configure in its settings, so that updates can be done full-speed without a VPN?

In the repo configs in /etc/yum.repos.d/ you can use baseurl and specify a server instead of using metalink pointing to the mirror server. Use ‘#’ to comment the metalink lines and remove ‘#’ in front of baseurl.

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There are a lot of config files in the mentioned directory. I prefer not to do manual changes in every file. Is there a command switch or a global configuration available?

I grew tired of how dnf interacted with my firewall and so wrote this script to change the files. You may need to add or subtract a section depending on what you have enabled.

It makes a backup of the repo config first, and you probably want to make your own as well. The script can set a new mirror from the command line or add it to the script itself if it will rarely change. I call it

#!/usr/bin/bash -eux

# Look for /pub prefix, many don't have.  Keep trailing slash!

# make backups, idempotent:
sudo mkdir --parents $BASE_DIR/bak
sudo cp \
    --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps \
    --no-clobber \
    "$BASE_DIR"/*.repo \
    "$BASE_DIR"/bak/ \
    || true  # if already there, not an error

# pin to specific local mirror
sudo \
    sed --in-place \
        -e 's ^metalink= #metalink= ' \
        -e "s ^#baseurl=http://download.example/pub/ baseurl=$LOCAL_REPO " \

# don't change host but pin to current
sudo \
    sed --in-place \
        -e 's ^metalink= #metalink= ' \
        -e "s ^#baseurl= baseurl= " \