Thanks, I’m sort of understanding now that all commands in that “how to create a samba share” instruction page aren’t just samba commands, but commands which affect all users on my media server… it’s a bit scary that this is not clearly explained in that text. I thought this was just a samba user group I’m trying to create, but apparently not?
I did seemingly run the group command for the user successfully, but again not using a command I found on that page, but using a command I found via another search:
Thank you! That enabled me to follow that tutorial a few steps more, as I managed to add this:
(It’s funny… some late 90s muscle memory kicked in and I actually remembered ctrl-k to delete lines…)
So that got me progressed a bit further, but still not 100% there (screenshots taken from my Linux laptop, which now discovered the Linux media server on its own):
And I also found these commands from an older thread here, but they didn’t seem to help:
So, I think I’m stuck at the “operation not permitted” despite using sudo when I try to run chgrp on the USB folder now, even though I think I was able to add my user to that group using usermod…
EDIT: Oh, one last thing… that official looking page linked in my first post is telling me to look through the logs using this command, but when I try I get this…
EDIT 2: Damnit… sudo just to read a log file? Ok… unfortunately, this still tells me nothing…