I have openSuSE installed on a 4TiB SSD. Present partitions are 128MB EFI partition (originally made with openSuSE sda2), [sda3 is a exFat to freely interchange with all 3 OS: Win], [sda4 for Fedora], [sda5 for openSuSE], [sda6 for /home I want to share /home for both]. Windows lives on another drive. It seems Fedora wants the EFI partition to be in a different format than want openSuSE does. Could someone give me some insight on how to do this? Thanks for any help.
Fedora creates a 600MB efi partition by default and it seems to be FAT32 format. I doubt there is a difference in required formatting between the distros (that is based on the needs of the bios), but when dual or triple booting the efi partition needs adequate size.
Sharing /home between openSuSe and fedora is asking for disaster. Apps create their own entries in ~/.config and ~/.local as well as their own dot files and subdirectories.
If the app in one OS is different in needs or version than in the other OS then unanticipated and unwanted changes or conflicts can easily occur. These types of conflicts could become very difficult to identify the cause.