How to get all transactions involving a certain package with DNF5?


DNF4 allowed to use dnf history list <package-name> to get a list of all transactions involving a certain package, which was very useful when trying to isolate when a certain issue might have been introduced with which transaction and package version change.

DNF5 doesn’t know about this, is there an equivalent syntax?

Thanks, Eric

Apparently the feature is missing in dnf5.

You could use something like this:

dnf history info 1..last | grep -E "Transaction ID|Description|<package-name>"

… and tweak it to make the output prettier.

FYI: "dnf5 history" cannot search by a package name · Issue #667 · rpm-software-management/dnf5 · GitHub

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Thanks to both of you, for the workaround and the (hopefully) long term solution.
I came up with the following one-liner (split on multiple lines) and subscribed to the issue:

dnf history info 1..last | awk -F ' +: ' -v package=$MYPACKAGE '
$1 == "Transaction ID" {transaction = $NF}
$1 == "End time" {time = $NF}
$1 == "Releasever" {relver = $NF}
$0 ~ package {split($0, a, / +/); print transaction, time, relver, a[2], a[3]}