How to deal with issues from fedora registry packages?

For example right now I’m facing an issue with Firefox (obtained from source on Fedora 31 SB.

My guess is the problem might be related not to Mozilla but to the integration into the OS.
(Problem: Firefox does not adopt the system’s default language for the UI. The language stays some “default” language.)

Any hints on who to contact for the issue? :relieved:

I think the fastest solution would be to try the official Firefox flatpak from Flathub (currently in beta) which also has h264 support. I can confirm that Netflix works.

The localization issues should be fixed it the beta from Flathub:

The flatpaks from Fedora Registry are built from rpms and I guess it will take some time to fix the localization issues and add h264 using GStreamer instead of FFmpeg.

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To answer your question: the bugs should be reported to
Here’s an example for Eye of GNOME from Fedora Registry:
1785647 – flatpak org.gnome.eog (Eye of Gnome) can't view any JPEG files

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