GNOME Asia - Bengaluru, India - 6-8 December 2024

Hi folks! :wave: I’m excited to share some fantastic news about an upcoming event happening this December in Bengaluru, India, with our GNOME friends! :tada: The annual GNOME Asia Summit is taking place from 6-8 December 2024:

:date: GNOME Asia Summit 2024
Starts: 6 December 2024, 9:00 AM
Ends: 8 December 2024, 4:00 PM
:round_pushpin: Location: Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd., Bagmane Constellation Business Park, Carina Building, 10th Floor East, Doddanekkundi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037.

GNOME.Asia Summit is the featured annual GNOME conference in Asia, focusing primarily on the GNOME desktop :desktop_computer:, applications :calling:, and platform development tools. This summit serves as a platform for users, developers, foundation leaders, governments, and businesses to discuss current technologies and explore future developments :rocket:.

This year, we are especially thrilled because the conference is being closely organized in collaboration with Fedora :penguin:, thanks to the efforts of our awesome local Indian Fedora community :india:. Our team has been working hard to ensure a strong Fedora presence at the event, and we hope this will be a great opportunity to showcase our contributions :muscle:.

We’re proposing a Fedora 41 Release Party :tada: at the event, alongside a celebration :confetti_ball: of Fedora’s ongoing contributions to open source development. I’ve already reached out to a few contributors to see if we can arrange a strong Fedora presence, but anyone in the region is welcome to join! :raised_hands:

We have a Fedora Wiki page :page_facing_up: ready to track event details and prepare the budget for the Mindshare Committee:

:point_right: Event Wiki: Fedora Wiki GNOME Asia 2024

If you think you’ll be attending, please add your name to the table on the wiki page :memo:. I’m hoping this will be a great opportunity to rally our Fedora contributors across the APAC region :earth_asia:.

Additionally, if you’re interested in giving a talk :microphone:, don’t forget to submit your CFP/Abstract for the conference via the GNOME event page: Submit Abstract.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Let’s make this a fantastic Fedora presence! :blue_heart::penguin::muscle:


This is awesome news! :tada: I know local folks have been working long and hard to propose Bengaluru as the location for this year’s GNOME Asia event. I think this is a good opportunity for us to bring Fedora folks together from across the APAC region and do some community-building of our own alongside the GNOME folks.

I plan to be there for the event this year. I submitted to the CFP earlier this week with a workshop about how operating system communities work. I delivered this workshop at DevConf CZ earlier this year too. Here are the details:

Title: Building an Operating System: Choose your own adventure in Open Source contribution!

There are few Open Source projects today with as much rich history, releases, and lived experience as the Linux kernel and the various Linux distributions that provide a user-ready operating system. Linux is the rock-solid foundation underlying most of the world’s Internet infrastructure online today. But what is the lifecycle of these complex operating system distributions and how does someone participate as an Open Source contributor? This interactive workshop will get attendees to explore the dynamics of open source Linux communities, what software engineering and packaging look like in the RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS distributions, and create a self-guided map for attendees to land a contribution in an open source ecosystem with over 30 years of history.

I am thinking we could also use this time together to our advantage, possibly by holding a Fedora regional planning meeting for 2025 on the Monday after GNOME Asia. We need to figure out if people can afford the extra day of travel for this sort of meeting. But it might be a new thing we try out, to work on building back better roots in APAC and also explore other smaller meet-ups or events in South Asia in 2025 too.

Happy to be a helper here, count me in for the organizing work.

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Hi there,

I have proposed a couple of talks to the event, one by myself and one with @jnsamyak. I am happy to help further organize and assist with the event. Just say the word!


I plan to be there for the event. I am yet to submit a talk but I was thinking about submitting a proposal to discuss the Mentored Projects Initiative along with @jonatoni!


Hey folks! :wave:

I’m also planning to attend GNOME Asia this year. :tada: Together with @smeragoel, we’ve submitted a talk on mentorship, where we’ll share what we’ve accomplished through initiatives like the Mentored Projects Initiative, Mentor Summit, and more. As part of the Fedora Release Party lightning talk, I’ll present on the DEI team, highlighting our achievements this year and what’s next.

@jflory7 I like the idea of having a regional planning meeting for 2025, as it will help with the discussion we started at Flock this year about how we can better support local communities.

@jnsamyak If you need a hand with anything, feel free to reach out :smiley:

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Hi there,

I have proposed a talk on Mentee/Mentor Retrospective with @jflory7.
I am based in Bangalore right now and would love to help out as much as possible.