GIMP G'MIC not showing Fedora 41 Workstation

just upgraded workstation 40 (Gnome) to workstation 41 (Gnome) and I cannot see the G’MIC plugin in GIMP (GIMP version 3.0.0-RC1 - which gets installed as part of the upgrade).

This used to display as an option in the Filters menu, but I cannot find it now.

I’ve checked that “G’MIC plugin for GIMP” (along with “Grey’C’s Magic for image computing” and “G’MIC shared libraries”) is still installed (version now showing 3.4.0-4.fc41 for the X86_64 architecture).

Anybody got any ideas of what to do to make it work again (as it did in Fedora 40 Workstation and GIMP 2.10)?


From the G’MIC site, version 3.4.* supports the old GIMP 2.* only. The upcoming 3.5.* series of G’MIC should have support for the new GIMP 3.*.

You could try running the old stuff inside an F40 toolbox or distrobox.

Yes, GIMP 3 will break a lot of things and docs are lagging behind, but it’s technically overdue.

Many thanks.

I’ll keep an eye out for the 3.5.* of G’Mic.

In the mean time, I’ve used Flatpak to install a version 2.10 of Gimp and 2.4 of g’mic, which is working.

thanks again.

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