Freeze after wake from suspend

First, I suggest to try it a bit more than three times, just to ensure that it really is something that is somehow linked to the bluetoothd service. However, it can also be an interaction that occurs at some point WITH the service.

So, to ensure that this is on the long term as least invasive as possible without banning any bluetooth, I suggest:

→ I have no time remaining today, but you can already investigate org_kde_powerdevil and kscreenlocker_greet; Maybe try it without them! Especially org_kde_powerdevil (“powerdevil”) makes me suspicious in the recent logs you posted.

→ checkout which bluetooth controller you have (should be shown with lsusb | grep uetooth or lspci | grep uetooth → checkout both, and check if there are known issues with your controller.

→ turn off the bluetooth devices you have, check that they are really no longer connected, and then test. I assume that no individual bluetooth device, such as headphones, is the cause but let’s exclude it quickly.

→ use the acpitool method you already identified, and that has already been elaborated in other threads. Do not focus only on bluetooth! Test everything! Especially things with wakeup capability (acpitool -w)! Maybe we can identify the cause more precisely…

→ still checkout the remaining possibilities of above, if not already done.

Feel free to let us know what you found out.

Some past topics I found in my history that you might want to review (also containing but not limited to information about acpitool) are:
Suspend exits immediately after installation of m2 ssd (nvme) - #4 by py0xc3
Fedora freezes after suspend - #2 by py0xc3
Fedora freezes after suspend - #4 by py0xc3
Fedora 34 freeze at boot - #14 by py0xc3

The topics also contain further links. Of course you are not limited to these topics.