FOSDEM 2025: General organization & collaboration topic

FOSDEM 2025, a major event in Open Source, is coming soon: the “call for stands” has already opened [link] (applications for stands/booths open until 7th November).

Because I have not yet seen a topic about it, I open this one to raise awareness and facilitate initial exchange and organization about any what-when-how question that might come up.

@mattdm @jflory7 I am not sure if there is already a to-do list about FOSDEM 2025, or someone who already organizes something about it (or a ticket somewhere or so)? Just to avoid that work in done twice :classic_smiley:

Feel free to use the topic for anything around FOSDEM 2025


Thanks for kicking this off, @py0xc3! Over in the Mindshare Committee, I am working with @ffmancera to begin the planning process. Fernando volunteered to be the event owner for this year, and we have been slowly but surely getting things in order for FOSDEM:

The next steps are to create a Fedora Wiki page and begin building a budget proposal for the event. This will help us organize our efforts. A Fedora Discussion topic was also on the to-do list, but congratulations, you crossed this one off the list. :grinning:

Some things are in place though. I applied with a stand application for Fedora. We are waiting to hear back. Also, together with friends from CentOS, AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, openSUSE, and Debian, we also proposed the Distributions DevRoom once again too. We are waiting to hear back on that as well.


Looking forward to this madness we know as FOSDEM!

I plan on being around for FOSDEM and the fringe events!

I am thinking of submitting a talk and running SyncStar[1] at the Fedora Project booth.

  1. ↩︎

I plan on attending FOSDEM and CentOS Connect which is right before.

Our devroom “Image-Based Linux and Boot Integrity” was also accepted.


The Developer rooms for 2025 have been published:

Looking forward to meeting you folks again this year :wink:


Hey folks

I am looking forward to FOSDEM event, so being one of the Fedora-Infra constributors , I’m ready to help on any necessary task :slight_smile:
At the meantime I don’t see any volunteer section on WIKI page FOSDEM 2025 - Fedora Project Wiki ,so where can I register my presence ? loop @jflory7


Hello! I am working on a volunteer spreadsheet. Although, for volunteers the spreadsheet will be private and distributed only with the known volunteers as they might contain personal information like contact details.

Usually, people interested in volunteering should register themselves on the “Fedora presence” section and can indicate the areas where they want to volunteer on comments.


As it has been mentioned before - FOSDEM 2025 wiki page is live! Register your presence there!


Hey @ffmancera thanks for your reply…
I’ve just updated the WIKI page with my presence :slight_smile:


What is meant with a “Fedora-approved hotel”? Does that mean people from the community have made good experiences with that one? I took it as it seems a good option, and obviously I assume in case of a doubt to meet there more fellow Fedorians than elsewhere, but it seems neither the cheapest nor the nearest option? I’m just curious :classic_smiley:

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Other years we were able to get a room block there. I guess it is the recommended option because last year the experience was good. I agree that for next year we should try harder to get a block with a better price.

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Hey @py0xc3, that is a fantastic question. It is the approved hotel for Fedora community travelers who requested hotel funding from Red Hat. This is not well-documented, but I use a corporate travel booking tool to hold hotel rooms for travelers who are not Red Hat employees. This helps me standardize a booking rate early on and includes benefits like free cancellation. This should be more transparent and better explained. I will work on new documentation about this for an Ambassadors handbook.

The reason why I chose this hotel is due to its middle proximity to the city center and the ULB campus where FOSDEM happens. This is because many Fedora travelers will also attend CentOS Connect, which is hosted more north to the city center. On the weekend, FOSDEM occurs south of the hotel location. This makes it a preferred middle point between the city center and the ULB campus. There is good access to public transit to both locations, but often, Fedorans ride-share in groups together, especially if transporting stand equipment and boxes.

I did try to get a negotiated block, but there was a confusion because it seemed I had to pay 8000 EUR upfront, when I actually wanted to negotiate a more favorable rate for self-booking options. I was not successful in negotiating it in time, so this is why I was unable to offer a preferred booking block. I hope to be better at this for future events.


As an event owner I should have done that probably instead of you! So shame on me. So let’s keep it as a note that we should pick an hotel that allow us to have a block with a better rate.

Thanks for all the work Justin!

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Hi Folks,

Are there some Volunteering tasks ?? could you share some more information about organisation ?

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My interpretation of the current wiki page is that we meet 09:30 Sat / 08:30 Sun and then see who / how many show up to do what has to be done, and then allocate work. This is how we did it at FrOSCon. Since no one asked me to abuse my cellar for marketing material this time, I assume someone already has organized to bring the swag there :classic_smiley: But it is indeed not yet clear where to meet “on-site” (?)

We have been discussing this on - I recommend you to join there to check on the volunteering tasks :slight_smile:

If you cannot join I can share the spreadsheet on email. I don’t want to share it here as it contains names and contact information from other people.

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Ah, ok. Didn’t know there is a channel. It might make sense to let people know about that here and on the wiki page :classic_smiley: That still allows control of who can enter and access data, but makes it easier to identify who is interested in volunteering.

This channel is only for invited people (“MatrixError: [403] You are not invited to this room”).

Can you send me an invitation? That might be easier than email. Alternatively, the usual email address:

Oh too bad. I wasn’t aware of that sorry. I just invited you. Thank you for letting me know.

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