Who has a 32-bit Fedora27 desktop mirror?Download address?
谁那里有Fedora27 32位桌面版系统的镜像下载地址啊?急用,跪求!!!
Welcome to the community @xb739594937. Please take a minute to go through the posts in the #start-here category if you have not had a chance to do so yet.
Please note—fedora 27 has reached EOL (End of Life) and no longer receives updates (not even security updates). You should please update to a supported release.
If you are looking for a distribution with longer term support than Fedora, please consider using CentOS.
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I only found the network installation version,Is there a full desktop image, or a SPIN version, like xfce,thank you
inurl:index Fedora-Workstation-Live-i386-27-1.6.iso