Fedora server Disk space woes

I would boot off of a USB and expand the partition

If not do a reinstall (You might need to based on your other comments)

From what the OP has posted, there’s no reason to re-partition.

There’s no unused space to expand a partition - the boot disk is completely used with the EFI system partition, the /boot partition and the physical volume partition used by LVM. And you’ll find there’s no partition for the root file system – the file system resides on a logical volume carved out of the partition used by LVM.

From what the OP has said, there’s plenty of free space in the volume group. In this case the recommended way to increase the size of the root file system is to expand the logical volume that the root file system resides on.

Ubuntu Server with defaults uses all space with root. Fedora likes to do a 15GB root and rest home that I ran into being an issue on Server around late F20 that had me do future installs with:

  1. Custom partitioning
  2. Standard partitioning (no LVM, no Btrfs)
  3. Delete / and /home
  4. Re-add / (installer auto-sizes it to use all available space)
  5. Either keep ext4 defaults (Workstation), XFS /boot and / (Server defaults), or / can be F2FS (GRUB limits to ext4 or XFS on /boot)

Not really. And some of that isn’t your fault, but the GNOME Disks app not doing a very good job with LVM.

GNOME DIsks screen is not telling you that you have 498GB of disk free. That 498GB is a partition that’s in use as a physical volume attached to a LVM volume group.

GNOME Disks is also somewhat unhelpful in understanding the storage layout as it makes an in-use logical volume look like a physical partition – when it’s not. The tip off that “one of these is not like the other” is the device path displayed under it.

What’s even more confusing is that GNOME Disks doesn’t bother to give you a way to “crack open” the LVM configuration to give you a graphical representation of the LVM layout and usage.

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Current versions of both Fedora Server and Ubuntu Werver might be behaving differently than before. Just did a test install of F41 Server and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Server in a VM with a 20GB virtual disk.

Default partitioning on both use LVM and assign the whole disk to the VG. Fedora Server carved a 15GB root LV, Ubuntu Server did a 10GB. Remaining space in the VG was unallocated, no /home created.

As you say, for both distros, the installer will give you the capability of adjusting things to your liking to use all the system disk during the installation.

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As an alternative to Gnome Disks the blivet gui tool understands LVM. You can install blivet-gui to get it.

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Many this everyone.

I just did a full reinstall using custom partitioning, keeping the LVM structure, but assigning 100% of the SSD from start to /, /var and /home.
I now understand the LVM mechanics, and yes, gnome disk util was puzzling me as I could not see inside the LVM or did not make the connection between the SSD and the 15 gb that was used.
Will be adding PlexServer and other bits as containers next.

Many this for all the help!

A segunda, 3/02/2025, 03:25, Villy Kruse via Fedora Discussion <notifications@fedoraproject.discoursemail.com> escreveu: