Originally published at: Fedora Ops Architect Weekly – Fedora Community Blog
Hello folks! I’m coming to you live from a very wet and windy Ireland. April showers is certainly a thing, but this kind of rain is even giving the typical Irish weather a run for its money! I hope you all have had a good (and drier) week so far and enjoy your weekend, and if you would like some weekend reading, weekend bug fixing, or even a weekend proposal writing session, read on for the links and information you need to do just that
Flock to Fedora
The call for papers for our annual contributor conference, Flock to Fedora, is now open until April 21st. Check out the cfp page for details on the tracks and themes of this years conference, plus information on travel subsidies and how to contact event staff if you need help.
Fedora Linux 40
Important Dates
- Currently in Final Freeze
- Thursday, April 11th @ 1700 UTC – Fedora Linux 40 Go/No-Go Meeting
- Tuesday, April 16th – Current Release Target Date (this will depend on the outcome of the Go/No-Go meeting)
Help Wanted
There are a number of blocker bugs open against F40 at the moment, both proposed and accepted. If you could spare some time to visit the blocker bugs app and reproduce some of the bugs to validate if they are blocking bugs or not, and/or even propose a fix for a bug listed, that would be hugely appreciated. A summary of the current F40 bugs can be found on this email with links to each too.
Fedora Linux 41
Change proposals are welcome for F41, and even F42 (and F43 if you’re that prepared!). The first deadline is 19th June if your change requires any infrastructure changes, and 26th June if it is a system-wide change. Self-contained changes may be submitted until 16th July. Those dates might seem far off, but please do have your changes in Rawhide as early as possible as this impacts a lot of the build and release folks (QA, rel-eng, etc) so getting the work proposed, approved and into development as early as possible is strongly recommended. Below is a list of changes proposed, awaiting FESCo decision and already accepted for F41.
Awaiting FESCo Decision
- Changes/EnableConsistentDeviceNamingCloud
- Changes/GNUToolchainF41
- Changes/php no 32 bit
- Changes/RPM-4.20
- Changes/SwitchToDnf5
Accepted F41
- Changes/AnacondaWebUIforFedoraWorkstation
- Changes/DefaultBpfman
- Changes/Haskell GHC 9.6 and Stackage 22
- Changes/KDEKinoiteAutoUpdateByDefault
- Changes/KTLSSupportForGnuTLS
- Changes/mkosi-initrd
- Changes/ModernizeLiveMedia
- Changes/OstreeNativeContainerStable
- Changes/Python3.13
- Changes/RemovePythonMockUsage
- Changes/ReplaceDnfWithDnf5
- Changes/RPMCoW
- Changes/SPDX Licenses Phase 4
- Changes/SystemdSecurityHardening
- Changes/Unify bin and sbin
Hot Topics
An update on the Git Forge Evaluation has been published by the Fedora Council. Please have a read on discussion.fpo or on the community blog.
The CommOps Team is rebooting! Read about the newly (re)formed team on their blog post and find out how to get involved and join the team.
Help Wanted
Lots of Test Days! Check them out on the QA calendar in fedocal for component-specific days. Help is always greatly appreciated.We also have some packages needing some new maintainers and others needing reviews. See below links to adopt and review packages!