Originally published at: Fedora Code of Conduct Report 2021 – Fedora Community Blog
Fedora Project’s Code of Conduct and reports are managed by the Fedora Project Leader, Matthew Miller, and the Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator, Marie Nordin, and the Red Hat legal team, as appropriate. With feedback from the community the Fedora Council approved a new Code of Conduct that went into effect in May of 2021.
How’d it go in 2021?
We had a small increase (15%) in the number of Code of Conduct reports in 2021 versus 2020. The theories we (the FPL & FCAIC) came up with regards to 2020’s CoC trends hold true for 2021:
- We are still living through a global pandemic, and it continues to be difficult on each and everyone one of us.
- The updated CoC is more comprehensive and therefore encourages folks to report.
Even though we had slightly more reports over 2020, we found that the reports submitted were related to mild incidents. Fortunately, most of the reports we received in 2021 were able to be resolved with communication and minimal actions were required. We hope that this is a reflection of our collective work on the Code of Conduct over the past couple years. Our theories here are:
- By updating, socializing, and enforcing our Code of Conduct, we have been able to reduce the amount of toxic behavior and further normalize respectful behavior
- People are more comfortable opening reports than they have in the past, no matter the severity of the an incident
Looking forward to 2022…
If you have witnessed or been a part of a situation that you believe violates Fedora’s Code of Conduct, please open a private ticket on the Code of Conduct repo. As always, your reports are confidential and only visible to the FPL and FCAIC. Remember that opening a CoC ticket does not automatically mean action will be taken, sometimes things can be clarified, improved, or resolved entirely. Or, it could be something pretty small, but it definitely wasn’t ok, and you don’t want to make a big deal… open that ticket anyway, because it could show a pattern of behavior that is negatively affecting more people than yourself.
Here is a reminder to our Fedora community to be kind and considerate to each other as we move into year three of pandemic life, there are still numerous challenges to overcome. We all depend on each other to create a community that is healthy, safe, and happy. Most of all, we love seeing folks self-moderate and stand up for the right thing day to day in our community. Keep it up, and keep being awesome Fedora, we <3 you!
Number of tickets opened: 23
Number of tickets closed: 24
Warnings issued: 2
Moderations issued: 1
Suspensions issued: 0
Bans issued: 1
Year | # of Tickets Opened | # of Tickets Closed | Warnings Issued | Moderations Issued | Suspensions Issued | Bans Issued |
2020 | 20 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 0 |
2021 | 23 | 24 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |